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Our Hunter's Tribute Page


For our little shining star
Rest well sweet Dude of Heaven
Ann, Laurasmom

In Loving Memory of
Hunter James Kirkland
October 31, 1997 - October 12, 2005

"A letter to my Hunter Bunner"
October 12, 2007

Well my precious Hunter, here it is 2 years since you have left us.
My Heart is still so broken and sad all the time.
What do I miss the most, it is so hard to say,
your beautiful smile, your soft heart, your love for me and everyone around you,
the smell of your hair, the great hugs you had for me,
the sound of your voice, the sound of your footsteps,
well I guess I would just have to say it is your presence of not being here.
Oh how I miss to tuck you in at nite and get your belly
and hear your sweet prayers and most of all,
I say those words to you still every night in my prayers to you.

I cannot believe it, 2 years and it still seems like today.
You were such a big man through everything and I was so proud of you,
I knew you were not hurting.
but yet when the times you did open your eyes, you still had to say,
mama I am okay and please don't cry because it made you sad.
I am sorry it did make you sad but you know mama was so scared for you
and so worried and I just wanted you to come back to me and stay awake.
God saw things differently and needed you so much more,
I just wished I had more time to say Goodbye,
but then I would have just kept on wanting more and more time.

You were such a big man growing up, even though you had some problems
with your small arm and hand you never once used this as a crutch.
You never felt sorry for yourself.
You always finished what ever you started, it may have took you longer
at some things but you always said to me, I can and will do this.
You were always so adaptable, you loved being around people,
no matter what age they were.
You would always make up things to play,
rather it be with your grandma's, or your nephew, or your Aunt Faye,
you were always fun and had a big and great imagination.
Everyone is so afraid to mention your name, because they say it will make me cry,
well that's okay, I cry all the time,
but I want to hear your name mentioned.

I will never experience that "normal feeling" again,
but I will always have you in my heart,
and close by me forever.
I read this some where, and it is so true,
"There are moments in life when you miss someone so much
that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug and kiss them for real."

Go ahead and mention my son, the one who died you know
Don't worry about hurting me further
The depth of my pain doesn't show,
Don't worry about making me cry,
I'm already crying inside.
Help me to heal by releasing The tears that I try to hide
I'm hurt when you just keep silent, pretending he didn't exist.
I rather you mention my son,
Knowing that he has been missed.
You asked me,how I was doing?
I say,"pretty good" or "fine"
But healing is something ongoing.
I feel it will take a life time.
~ Author unknown


This poem was read on Hunter's first anniversary and balloon release

It's been almost a year since I've left your side
Sitting here with Jesus and hearing your cries,
Wishing with all my heart I could ease the pain,
Knowing your loss was Heaven's gain.

Oh, Mom and Dad,just imagine what I see each day,
The face of my Lord and all Heaven's rays.
That hole in your heart will narrow in time,
God connected eternally yours to mine.

Even though leaving the old world behind,
I'm here in Paradise where Heaven's bells chime,
God only loaned me to the earth nearly eight short years,
Never really yours I was only God's to give.

It was part of His master plan when he placed me with you,
Nurtured and loved by all, and sometimes a pain too,
As parents you did what the Lord commamded of you,
Teaching me to know God and follow His ways, too.

From the time of my birth to the very last days,
I was taken to church to foster my Christian ways,
Accepting Jesus as my Savior made all the angels sing
It secured my eternal resting place where God is God, He is King of Kings,

My challenge to all I've left behind
If your life is not right, change it, there is still time.
Open your heart, let Jesus inside,
Walk with him daily, always let him be your guide.

To my family and friends, don't shed those ters for me.
I'll have trillions of years in Paradise, that's where I'll spend my eternity
Everyone will die, this we know to be true.
Until it happens, Jesus and I will be waiting for you.

Love, Hunter

For Hunter's 1 year anniversary and balloon release, we had over 30 balloons -- all the children from the children's church wrote notes to Hunter
and so did I, then we sent them to Heaven.


This was Hunter's favorite poem. I read it to him every night at bed time, after we said our prayers and hugs and kisses goodnight...


My friend Gail Wilson wrote this poem, it was also read at Hunter's funeral by his "Bubba."
She nicknamed him "Spook" because of his birthday.

Hunter's monument: Bull rider for all eternity...

This picture above and the next 4 pictures are all of the Trail that his church made for Hunter in the woods, in his memory.
Everyone loves walking the trail. I have put alot of Hunter's things on it.
We even have a pumpkin hunt on the trail in October.



Hunter got to put his name on a star and it was put on the wall at Disney World.

A stone was purchased for Hunter and placed in the walk way at Disney World.

First Christmas without Hunter, December 2005. I fixed up a table for him and lit candles.

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain:
for the former things are passed away."
(Revelation 21:4, KJV)

A friend can hear a tear drop.

Please visit Maria's Tribute to Christopher
Angel Christopher
Two Very Special Angels

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Hunter James Kirkland
on March 5, 2007
Last updated: March 2, 2009
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