1/15/07 12:03pm- The poetry section has been updated at last. With one new poem. LOL. Sorry I haven't been updating much. Been busy. I have a baby boy on the way. He's due in April. Will update again as soon as I have new material to update with.
4/28/06 1:01pm - The flashing update thingies are back to let you know when a section has been updated. And I also updated the art page so it now has a link to my deviantart page along with thumbnails of my most popular deviations. However, I will eventually upload and post them because as of now, not everyone can see the mature content ones.
4/27/06 12:12am - Hello everybody. If I am correct, this website has not been updated for at least a year. For a while I thought the dates were from '04 but they might be from '05. Uncertain. Anywho, I have returned. The entire website has been updated after a long time of abandonment, with new backgrounds for almost every page, and a ton of new poems in the poetree section. Please check it out. Love and hugs to all. ♥
8/15/05 9:00pm - I'm very sorry, but it will still be a bit longer before I update. My life has become completely insane and I just don't have any desire to do anything anymore. However, this will change. I am taking another poetry class up at my college this semester. This will definately produce things that will end up posted on here. I realize I've let this site go for a long time, and I am very sorry about that. If anyone still looks at it, thank you. I will try my best to get back into things as soon as possible, and thank you for being patient.
7/24/05 2:44pm - I appologize for the lack of updating. My life has been completely crazy with moving to a new apartment, work, and loads of homework from summer classes. I'm also busy preparing my portfolio for the art department.
I do have a lot of new photos and poetry to post as soon as I have the time. My scanner is currently not working, so it may take a week or so. Thank you all for being patient and supporting me. I have not abandoned the website and I will update as soon as possible.
6/7/05 4:07pm - I am happy to announce the conclusion of the updates. All links are working once again and there are a bunch of new poems on the poetry page. I will try to never get so far behind on updates again but because I work two jobs now I can not make any promises. Thanks for waiting. Enjoy, and please sign the guestbook if you haven't already.
6/7/05 1:03pm - New update box. This one is way cooler then the last update box, which was a little bit too girlie when I really stared at it a lot.
I am in the process of updating my website so the links will be temporarily broke for at least a few hours. I have a LOT of things to add to the site, so please be patient. Because it's been so long since my last update, the changes will be very drastic Thanks and sorry for the wait. ♥
Oh, p.s., also, there is no longer an old updates page. All updates will be in this update box unless I find it to be overly annoying scrolling through them all.
5/21/05 - Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been having lots of problems lately (in real life, not online) so I haven't been able to get online much. I do have this adorable new updates box.
I have still been writing and will post more as soon as possible.
Thanks for being patient. ♥
4/29/05 - The hair section has been updated. w00t. Let's hear it for blue black hair!
4/25/05 - The art page has been updated. 14 new icons, and one new LJ friends only sign. w00t. Go check it out.
Thank u. Drive thru.
4/22/05 - Added 10 new icons to the art page. Go check em out. Please don't take without asking first. Also, the website has a new look on some pages. y? Because I was bored with the old look and generally had nothing better to do then mess with the graphics. Enjoy. :)
4/19/05 - Sorry I haven't updated in a while. To make up for it, there are 15 new poems in the poetry section, more coming soon, three new drawings in the art section, and I have added the icons I've made to the art section. Please do not take without asking first.
Basically, my life has been hell and I have much new creativeness as a result. Sucks that things suck, but whatev. Coolest thing I've heard about my stuff lately comes from somebody on LJ: "That poem made me smile. Because that's how I feel."
:) I like making ppl smile. So enjoy.
I've also updated the About Me section very slightly (not even worth a little flashy thing, but worth mentioning at least) and I am in the process of creating a page dedicated to my kitty cats.
Considering making a page dedicated to my other favorite bands.
4/5/05 - Added a links page and a page about my newly dyed purple/pink hair because this is my website and I am proud of my hair.
3/31/05 - I updated the poetry section again. I've decided that the little flashy things that say new and updated will only last until I update again, so if u haven't been here in a while, check the old updates because I may have way more new things then have the little flashy signs.
I found my old sketchbooks, so the art page is also updated. I added all of the drawings I did at the end of gradeschool and throughout highschool.
3/25/05 - I updated the Otep page. I have some pictures up now and there's way more fun stuff coming. I also changed the poem Love, thanx to advice in poetry class. I added some new lines and changed some lines so it should be way cooler now. Go check it out. Plus I added the cute little news thing on this page because I think it's important to keep up with the news, and this makes ppl notice what's going on in the world, which I think is cool.
More updates coming soon. Please sign my guestbook.
3/23/05 - The website has been majorly updated, so look around. There is new stuff in every single section and every single page has been redone so that it looks cooler. I've also added a bunch of funny pictures in the other creations and stuff section.
PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF MY SITE. It means a lot to me and makes me feel like ppl are actually enjoying my stuff.
3/2/05 - This website is for my own creations as well as anything else I feel like sharing. There will be banners and fun stuff I have made on many pages, mostly Otep related in some way (yes I have an obsession) because her art and her words inspire me and occasionally help me give voice to emotions I couldn't otherwise express. There will also be random pictures that I found online and put with my poems just to make it pretty or to help illustrate and usually to add something to the poetry. I also have art I did, either on the computer or on paper. I suck at drawing but I attepmt to occasionally.
This website is more for my satisfaction than anything else, but it's also to share my work with other people. Everything I create that's on here is usually very personal, therefore you are seeing a side of me that many people never get to see, so please keep that in mind and don't judge me too harshly.