A moment, is so fleeting...
And yet in the wake lie memories, and memories, well,
our memories are made to last, and meals are left to
make from the fat of the feasts we've eaten long since past.
A time to tally things we've lost or gained,
things that never were, and things that still remain.
A place to tell your stories, a place to play out your dreams.
Upon a night, so long ago it seems, was born a memory that was all of these. so,
come take to words and ill take you to that mystical time, and ill share with you
what has come and gone, yet always will be mine.
Shades mountain, that night, as always stood fearless and high, holding firm under
weight of snow while lightning storms lit the sky, and the wind did blow, but I was
alone, safe within a rich mans lair, with a woman, toward whom I was more than fond,
A woman that was more than fair. A meek and merry maiden with an unaloating craving,
A sweet young lady waiting, waiting atop the stairs, giving me a moment to reflect.
A thoughtful expression of her true respect, and I savor it with a sip of wine. A slow
taken sip, to show my ease as I stand before the window, impervious to the whispered
threats of the wintry cold. My well acquainted foe, for here I am warm, here I am
pleased and my wants, for now, are those of this woman, my sweet Dame Noble
She is soft with her words, she is wise in her prime, in soul beside yet she stands behind,
to give her grace to my pose, to ease the tensions of adventure and loose my libido while
in repose. O' a passionate waking dream with my sensual Dame Noble Sagesse.
I can feel her desire, here from where I stand, A desire I may drink, but not command. For
when this lady gave herself to me she let lie another man, Dame Noble Sagesse. As surely as
he, by surrender has engulfed me, but 'pleasure is pleasure by whatever measure' keeps
repeating through my mind, and Dame Noble Sagesse, for now at least, is waiting, and is mine.
So I go to her on up the stairs, in a few quiet steps I'm there, I take my time, I take
my pride and wine enough to share. And as I crest I hear a rumble of thunder explode and
I enter the room, as soon to see, my lady before the bedpost. " Welcome, my lord" she says
to me, "I am warm, and I am pleased..." "as am I, for the time, my darling Dame Noble Sagesse."
O' and I lived that night! But alas, that night, forever, became the past, to be lost within
the folds of time. But to be told and retold within my mind like a nursery rhyme to a restless
child. The tale of a man nearly beguiled by a nymph whose eyes and lips both smiled, but, by
so it is saved from eternity, by the eloquence of poetry, for though the past is gone and is
never to be retrieved. I breathe a breath of life to my memory of this woman, my sweet
dame Noble Sagesse