You said a warning that
I'm playing with fire.
So, I have to turn
my back on you.
To get burned
is not my desire.

For this is not the
first time that you have
broken my heart.
My broken heart does cry
for what I thought could be.
Now there's only broken dreams.
It is obvious you
are not my destiny.

I gave you all I had to give
and bore my heart and soul.
There's a slap in the face
now every day with
your horrid words.
I hear you say you love me,
but, then you call me names
of which I can't repeat
for the devil would
laugh at me.

For they are evil words
and lies that do repeat.
Your words shoot arrows
into a broken-hearted me.
And honey I must tell you
that I am strong and
with my flowing tears
I will survive the storm.

For I do know God,
and He sees all.
He sees a deceitful heart
as well as pure.
And I bow before Him
in this prayer:
"Oh. God please send me
someone who really cares.
And God, please heal
my broken heart.

Song Playing:
"When Sunny Gets Blue"