Love Is A Miracle

My heart is full of love for you tonight because you said such lovely words that fills me to the top. You talked about a lovely rose that if beaten will wither away, and told me that your loves runs deeply, and asked me not to leave. How could I with-stand against such tenderness from your heart and soul, and then how can I go? With your speech so wonderful that your tongue did speak. And when you give me hope for us, I float upon a cloud, and wish to travel through the air, and land upon your lawn. How is it that some people can really fall in love? No matter how young or old, God gives it to us all. I think He is so wonderful to send you to my door. Your love is a miracle in my life. that came but not too soon, for I needed it, and I needed you. I know the miracle came from our God above. I will always be thankful for the "Miracle Of Love".

by D/F