Passion of love
and jealousy.
Lovers of all time
Famous ones and
lovers un-heard of

Movies have been made.
Books have been written.
Words have been said.
From centuries of old,
many stories are told,
about Passion and Love.

Jealousy is a sin
and the wrong way to love.
Why is this sin between us?
The passion is strong
and the jealousy is wrong.
Woe is me,
that this snake of evil
grips my heart over him!
When all I want is to
have his heart,
his all for me.
Seeing red when he taunts me.

And then he mocks me again!
Like a cat with a toy.
Playing into his hands
every time.
I get crazed with his
words of rejection,
when he laughs
at my passion.

Then I get silent
only for a moment
before the tears begin.
His jealousy of me
and his possessiveness
forces me into words of love
that I truly feel.

Then lashing back at him
with words of revenge.
The vicious cycle goes round'
and round' again.
He taunts me with curses
and I feel pain.
As the arrow strikes,
which is his delight.

Worse of all,
I just don't want this fight!
To love him is all I live for.
Dreams are shattered and then
nothing matters but
to be with him.
Tears in vain and so much pain.

Is this the worse kind of love,
or is it the most
passionate of loves
that last for eternity?
Some-one please tell me
before I go mad.
For I hate to live another
day with-out his touch.

Hell surrounds me
from our jealousies.
Heaven exists only
when he loves me.
Deliver me, oh God,
from his prison grip
upon my heart.
Or deliver him to me,
to love.
But, sadly enough,
we are killing a beautiful
~~~ Passion Of Love.~~~

by Dottie Fontaine

Song Playing:
"Body And Soul"