
My Soul-Mate
you are a man of much
passion and power.
You are with me every
hour of the day
and night,
I am always with you.
No matter what you do.
I will always dream of you.

You said many words
of love
of which I think of.
You romanced me well,
even put me through hell.
With longing and tears,
but most of what I think of
is the love we shared.

And now that
we're apart,
Only emptiness
surrounds me.
Still wanting you
to hold me tight
and kiss me goodnight.
Still wishing for your
spirit to join me again
upon a cloud
within the air
and when your feet
comes onto the ground
I still pray that you
are safely bound.

You can break my heart
again and again
but my Darling
I will always want
you forevermore.
I desire one last
request of God
within this life.

That He someday
lead you to my door.
and not to let me die until
I can see your face,
and your eyes
to penetrate mine.
and then I will know if
you are my one and only

by Dottie

Song Playing
Lover Man
(Billie Holiday)