Three Little Words

There are only
three little words
that mean the most
when we say"
"I love you",

The rest of the
hurtful things
can be erased
by just saying
three little words.
"I Love You".

Today I want to
start a brand
new year with you;
remembering just the good.

Last night we had an argument
and that has made me sad.
I feel us drifting far apart
because our words were bad.

But, darling
I will go to bed;
waking in the morn,
to be inspired
by your last
three words of love.

The only words
that make the
difference of
if I smile or cry.
The words I always
say to you, as
the days go by.

Three little words
that mean everything,
Those lovely words:
~~" I Love You"~~

by Dot

Song Playing:
"I Wish You Love"