The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

Beware of the wolf
in sheep's clothing
For he comes with a golden tongue
to deceive and steal your soul.
Beware of the wolf who preys upon
the innocent and the pure,
with lies and deceit.

For the end is near and
his work is not done.
He is a God of many.
He is a power that can be strong.
The darkness surrounds him
where the snakes and worms do roam.

His power is in Evil and his
sword is a Creature of Death.
He comes to rape you of
everything that's good.
He can only exist
when you listen to his lies.
He comes with greed and torment,
in the form of many things.
This wolf in sheep's clothing
and all his evil brings.

He is a master of fornications,
cyber sex online, rape, murder
and lies are found in him,
through centuries in time.
His Name is Satan, Demon of Sin.
But, his power is useless
under the Light, slain
by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Don't listen to his voice,
for the Holy Lord is there for you,
to give you words of wisdom;
just read the Holy Book.
His Holy Spirit can talk to you.
For the God of Light
is the Power that
can show you all the Truth.
There is only two powers
here to choose from,
the darkness or the Light.

You have only one Creator,
and He can make you pure.
The Almighty Creator
comes to save your soul.
Then the power of darkness
can't win a game with you.
If you just bow before Him,
The King of Kings of Heaven
The Lord of Light and Power,
if you just praise and love Him,
as He loves you.

~Song Playing~
"Change My
Heart Oh God"