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~After the Stroke~

father’s eyes plead without words
before the aid car

neighbors watch his door
stretcher carries him outside
this private old man

old man after stroke
brushes tears from blinded eyes
one useful hand

same sunny smile
bright blue eyes no longer see
but he knows my voice

grandpa after stroke
strains to catch a memory
grandson lost in fog

father after stroke
sheds tears of joy and sorrow
new ability

ocean fog obscures
old blind man knows direction
hears familiar shores

stroke dims memory
old man still knows his Saviour
cold grave holds no fear

father after stroke
plays left hand harmonica
eighty-eight years brave

old man after stroke
whistles countless melodies
lyrics lost in fog

over eighty years
strength marks my father’s days
when did he grow small?

so strangely idle
wrinkles loose on gnarled joints
father’s weakened hands

old man after stroke
still merry smile but blind eyes
do not see our tears

now he nears his death
one who gave me life and love
how to think good-bye

his withered form waits
nearly a friend by now
death walks slowly

fire word
I cannot burn aloud

pain left behind
his spirit transcends this world
my father is free

© Rosemary J. Gwaltney 1999~2004
All Rights Reserved

     Dedicated to the memory of my wonderful, loving father, Donald Curtis Miller ~ born: Feb. 26th. 1914. Survived a massive stroke on Oct. 27th. 1997 Died on June 15yh. 2002, after a second stroke. My father's spirit is at peace. Free at last, he's with his Heavenly Father, Whom he loves with all of his heart.

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html done by D. W. Graffix