The welcome angel was made by Robin for AnnaRose Marie.Robin is a dear sweet lady, we voted for each others websites some time ago.Thank You!

This is AnnaRose Marie my 14th granddaughter.She is only 5 minutes old in this picture.April 22,2004 At 8:08 pm.

Another picture of AnnaRose Marie at 24 hours old.

This is Angela Grace. My 13th granddaughter.Her name tells it all. My daughter Mary gave birth to her too early. We almost lost her.Our little angel of grace.She is out of the hospital safe and sound at home doing well,Thank God.

This is the newest picture of Angela Grace.Bless her little heart.She is strong and healthy

This is Michaela, Michael and their new baby sister AnnaRose Marie. Picture was taken at the hospital today ~ 4/23/04.

This is Michaela, Michael and AnnaRose Marie's older sister Kimberly.She loves to swim. Keeps her hair nice and wet:-)This Picture and some of the others are the ones my son first did with his new Cam cellphone.Some didn't turn out clear. He has it all worked out now and as you see with his new daughters pictures Very Clear and cool:-)

Jessica is on the right. She is my daughter Eleanor's oldest daughter.Next to her is my son Michael's son,Michael.He is also in pictures above with his new baby sister.

Christina is on the left. She is my daughter Eleanor's youngest daughter. She didn't want her picture taken. :-)This is Michaela, my son Michael's daughter on the right.She has a picture or two on here:-)

The tall one in the back is my son Matthew.My youngest.He was born 4/27/81.He will make a good daddy one day. With all my grandchildren. He has learned a great deal.My daughter Eleanor is on the right. She has 3 children.Two daughters as you have seen their pictures above.Also a son Raymond. Born 6/17/04.He is 6 foot 3. Loves sports. On the left is my granddaughter Courtney. Even when she is all grown up she will always be My Little Courtney Girl.She is my daughter Kathleen's oldest.She has a sister Brandy and a brother Devin. Still waiting for their pictures :-) Come on kids lets get going.:-)So I can add you too.

A very tired Michael.He is a big brother now. His baby sister was just born AnnaRose Marie

Michaela is always thinking, about something:-) My thinker!

This is a picture of me holding my newest granddaughter AnnaRose Marie. Also in the picture my grandson Michael and my granddaughter Michaela. Their other sister Kimberly isn't in this picture. She is in one of the above pictures. They are my son Michael and daughter-in-law Tammy's children.

This is Angela Grace painting a picture.

My son Matthew and my daughter-in-law Feline.Matthew is my youngest. He was born in 1981.It seems like only yesterday. Time just goes by so fast.

Meet Gracie she is our 12th granddaughter. A real doll baby.

Gracie on her first bike.She was so happy.