This is Brianna Lynn My Eleanor's youngest daughter.She is 8 hours old here,born 6-8-07

My daughter Eleanor with new baby Brianna Lynn and her oldest daughter Jessica. Brianna is 1 day old here.

This is Eleanor's daughter Christina holding their dog Midnight

This is Raymond's high school graduation picture, he's Eleanor's oldest. Raymond just started his 3rd year in college. As you can tell he's very tall, 6 foot 3.

This is my youngest daughter Linda, Dick my son-in-law and their children Samantha, Kyle and Ryan.They live in TN.they couldn't make this lunch.This was Linda's Graduation Day from medical school,four years ago.She works in a children's hospital as a Nuclear Medicine Technician.

My grandson Sean and my granddaughter Courtney at our Pizza Hut Lunch.

This is my son Michael and my daughter-in-law Tammy,at our Pizza Hut Lunch.I had 6 daughters before my son Michael was born. He is a wonderful son,and he picked a wonderful wife too.

Meet their family ~ Kimberly is the oldest,She hates having her picture taken. Michaela is next she likes her picture taken.Young Michael likes it most of the time.AnnaRose really likes having her pictures taken.

My grandson Sean holding his new daughter Catlyn. She was born 11-27-07.Sean is my daughter Teresa's oldest son. Teresa was 41 years old when Catlyn was born.I was 38 when my first grandchild was born,Sean was my first LOL. Now Sean is a daddy.I was 60 when my great granddaughter Catlyn was born.Hard to believe so many years have passed.

Look! at Catlyn now.She will be one year old 11-27-08 her birthday lands on Thanksgiving this year. How wonderful is that.

This is some of my family. It's hard to see everyone,if you look close you will count 28. I'm here too;-)