私• 相 館

歡迎你進入私• 相 館!在這裡的全都是我最最喜歡的畫和相片等。真的很美啊!我喜歡任何美麗的東西。^_^

                                              注意: 由於圖片很多,所以要有耐性等候下載哦!


        < 亞當的創造 > --- 米開朗基羅  (Buonarroti Michelangelo)


                                                                < 蒙娜麗莎的微笑>  --- 達文西  (Leonardo Da Vinci)



              < Road with Cypress and Star > 梵谷 (Vincent Van Gogh)                   < The Starry Night >    梵谷 (Vincent Van Gogh)


    --  Wailing Wall                                                                                          -- Megiddo looking towards the valley of Armageddon

   -- looking from the Beatitudes towards the town of Capharnaum.            -- Galilee

  -- Mt. Carmel                                                                                                      -- the valley of the shadow of death

    --  Galilee                                                                                                                             -- the West side of Galilee

                                                            -- Paris

              -- lavender field                                                                -- beach

-- 雪中樹                                            -- 天空

-- 街燈與樹                                                      -- 彩虹

-- 海浪                                     -- 海浪

-- 藍海                                         -- 海浪

-- 天與地                                                       -- 溫暖的小屋

-- 美麗的海岸                                                 -- 雪山

-- 雪山與湖上倒影                                -- 山明水秀

-- 夕陽                                    -- 夕陽

                            -- 雨中的海

                             -- 海與燈塔

--摩天大樓                                         --疑是銀河落九天

-- 秋                                                    -- 秋

-- 公園                                               -- 秋之路

                             -- 夕陽與海

-- 天空                                                 -- 海與石

                          -- 天鵝

         -- 青地                                                  -- 雪、樹、太陽

                                 -- 橋

           -- 鬱金香                       -- 蓮花                           -- ... 粉紅色的花


    -- sunflowers                                                          -- sunflower

              -- 玫瑰                                             -- 鬱金香

  -- 藍色的花                                                          -- 紅色的花

