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Friends Poems


Priscilla’s Poems



Sky Races

Magnus Kain

We Will Wither


Instead of me updating her poems just go see them for yourself HERE.

Jen’s Poems


Token Taker

Bloody Mary


Sleeply Awake

Passer Byer

No Words Speak of Truer Heart





Untitled 1

Untitled 2

Untitled 3

Untitled 4

Untitled 5

Untitled 6

Helen Craules

Pale Blue



Two Rose Kiss

Daniela Ayala

Poem 1

Poem 2

Poem 3

Poem 4

Poem 5

Randel Munguia

Poem 1

Poem 2

Vincent's Poems

Certain Love, Uncertain Circumstances


Priscilla's Poems


Where have all the unicorns passed?
Beneath the waves, they sleep under glass.
And where do all the unicorns lie?
Among the fields where shadows die.
In realms unreal, in skies undefined,
Undying, untainted, perfection forever,
frozen in time;
In reality, never.

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Giddy laughter
at the
They cry
In torment
They moan
They scream
They struggle
Crazed slaughter
of the laughter
Slaughter of
the daughter of
the martyr of
the gun.
Laughter, laughter,
At the slaughter
In the sun.

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Sky Races

Breathing hard from the chase
Dizzy from the silly race
Comfort found in an embrace
An imbalanced hug, all over the place
Supporting arms melt time and space.

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Magnus Kain

He shone with a celestial light
Radiating from his eyes
A halo of purest gold,
A voice of sweet dark honey,
A touch that banished cold,
He was the holiest saint.
He wrapped his wings about her
And told her lovely dreams,
Gave her a solemn pledge
He told the mortal she could fly
And led her to the edge.
He was the craftiest saint.
He asked her to believe,
To join him in the clouds;
She closed her eyes and fell in faith
Off the edge as he watched with pleasure.
His terrible smile lit the fires of hell;
He was the cruelest saint.
She knew as she fell
That he had no light.
He was the brightest,
He was the darkest,
Happiest and sadist,
Kindest and cruelest.
She crashed.
He laughed.
Spread his demon wings and returned
To his heavenly hell,
Mocking her
As she fell
Into his world.

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We Will Wither

We will wither in our bodies before we can blink
We will wither in our minds before we can think
Our spirits will rust and get holes inside
Our lives are meaningless, and values are dry
The future is coming at the speed of a scream, and what can we do, except live and daydream?

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My words are lost
My thoughts are lost
My time is lost
To the wind
On the edge of the cliff
I carve hate into my chest
And watch the redness mingle
With the salty spray
Nothing new under the sun
Life is meaningless
There is no such thing as fun.

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I’m sorry.
I’m sorry that i made you cry.
I’m sorry that i made you wonder
if i ever lied.
I’m sorry for the truth.
I’m sorry for the pain.
I’m sorry i tore at your heart
and almost ripped it out.
I’m sorry that i love you.
I’m sorry that i cant live with out.
I’m sorry that your on my mind.
I’m sorry that i make your hurt.
and analyze if i am worthy.
I’m sorry that i scream too much.
I’m sorry that i love your mind.
I’m sorry for being me.
but that is all i can trully be.

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Token Taker

come into my den
play in my pen
I promise to be fair
wont give you a scare
I will tease with your thoughts
and dig up your lot
a pretty dress
a fitted tux
give me a play
I won’t disarray
dance to the whim
maybe drink the gin
laugh till you drop
yes, your learning my plot!
gather your wits
swallow the pits
blood may be red
but your not dead
alive at will
you will soon get my bill
party is over
the dice are now older
the exit is near
don’t keep your fear
the song has stopped
now pass your lot
show your bold
never grow old!
cry to the moon
give a loud boom
thank you for living
I must now be leaving
farewell to you
never give to the blue
trust in yourself
your in the wealth

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Bloody Mary

cry for humanity
shed a tear
hang your head
hide the shame
children are dying
old are lying
dreams are stolen
while others are bowling
the fun is gone
sing the same song
humanity is gone
people still long
parents are gone
children are alone
why is every one so cruel?
has peace lost its fuel?
how did we get here?
what made us change?
humility is no more
we are all sores
hang the head in shame

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people, they make me sick
they discuss me
they are so despicable
i really don't like
closed minded people
i don't like people who
judge thinks with out even trying to experience something
people who because of their beliefs or way of life criticize everything that doesn't come in a cookie cut shape
what is wrong with people?
why are the such a stick in the mud?
go live a little ... you don't change by living in the same pattern
you don't learn from doing nothing
what is wrong with you?
You make me sick
stupid narrow minded fools.....
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Sleeply Awake

Days pass like falling tears
each one leaving a trail of salt
trickling past my weary body
running faster than me
Communication is hard enough
even when one has their door shut
wonder lurks the mind
trying to grasp what is not
Fun hardly knocks anymore
everyone is very busy
life is so ever far away
distant like the shadows day
Alone am i
soon turn gray
hardly come out to see the play
know it is there, but what to share?
Days run slower now
like hard liquored mollasses
slurping down into the jug
even i now can past it
People still are silent
loved ones mostly
they just sit and listen
maybe they have no tounges
Life broke up with me
she said that i was no fun
said that i was wasting it
so i let her go too.

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Passer Byer

im so tired
im just so tired
cant i sleep?
cant i just have a long dark sleep?
to just shut my eyes and drift
that would be heaven
human consouisness
has weared away my mind
just one moment of bliss?
let the quiet envelop my
ever loud talkative self
what do i think about?
i think of past dones and has not beens
i think of blue people
commanding my clock to work
i think of marriage
and how silent my friends are
i think of children
and how far they have to go
i think of stupidity
and how people suffer needlessly
how ignorant ones are about themselves
about where to live the next day
how to have breath while not screaming
how to let go of the horrid
and to embrace the wicked
i am a titan
a bearier
i uphold my own face
while letting my self fall
i just want to sleep
just seconds of dreamlessness
to cleanse my mind
im so tired
please, let me go

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No Words Spoke of Truer Heart

mix another one
fill the glass
drown the storm
show my class
give the falling tear
a farewell glance
no more questions
eat the onion
toss the pick
bury my fears
replace my tears
give me my mirrors
look at my beauty
look at my pride
forget what i have done
i give the chair a slide
the guy at my side
has had too much to think
i give my tip
i've paid my bill
i have nothing to loose
but so much to spill
my heart is torn
never to mend
but i have a half
that can nicely fill
i'm sorry it's dead
and i'm so very glad
no more twisted dreams
no more muffled screams
no more worries that your sorry ass is endangering another you filthy crap. you did this to me want my glass? its empty take it there is nothing in it that feels for you. stupid sob.

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my life is in shambles and my 6 shells are empty, no loss was given but life was horribly taken. ripped from the ribbons of fate. i broke the book that it was designed for. i have cheated. i have lied. i have cried and fallen to the side. there is no hope i can give. i trust a conclusion with dread will unfavorably end. broken hearts will bleed their tears and apologies will fumble upon deaf ears.

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today i worked like a manic
i couldn’t put down my pen for more than a second with out thinking of something new to scribble down
i have faces and eyes and expressions galore i have never filled so many pages in such a short time
i have found inspiration
not in a object and not in a phrase it is something i cant touch but others can. i dont know what to say for my muse can easily break the heart of those i love. if i shout out my muse to the world i might be left alone by the few who have shown me things i have never seen nor felt in all my eternity. im confused but i have a passion.

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i am grasping at something i lost
i am begging for that life i once had
i try so hard and i just cant do it
please return me to normal
the ten fold hit me and i dont know what i did
please i hate this
give me mobility
i dont like being a infant
i dont like begging to have my necessities
i need my freedom back
i cant take this.
im going crazy
shoot me.

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stop harasing me
leave me alone
and let me have my silence
you cant have me
i wont let you
go away before it is too hard
im sorry i lied
but at the time it was true
leave me
find some one else
i have far too much baggage
i will never loose my self control
i cant reach your hights
just go away
there is someone for you
but she is not me

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Untitled 1

i dont know what to do
sure i may not belive anymore that
one person is to be with you forever
and that is it
but then i really have lost all faith
in true love and forever love
i think i have found out that i am one
that is to drift forever in a pool of decaying fish
im just like my mother
she never could be loved either
im so sick of dating
nothing ever turns out right and it is
usually my fault
i push away
i start to crawl back in my self
maybe i will never be able to love fully

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Untitled 2

i wonder about people
it seams like we are always striving
we so despreatly want to be independent
but we so want to be with people like us
then i think about friends
you find people who make you laugh
you find people who make you look at things differently
but then after you start to let them
you find out that they don’t like you
your a threat, your a threat?
thats preposterous! a laugh!
do they really believe that i would harm them?
that i would take their lovers away?
just wanted to be a friend
whatever. their loss
friends aren’t fake
they stab you from the front
even with their words

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Untitled 3

i have relized that im not so great
i have flaws that out distance my arm
they all say i never nail down
never commit to one thing
how wrong they are
to belive in such
i do hold on to one and one alone
i do wrap my hours to one sting
i make my knots and bows in this string
i tie it around all my fingers and toes
i make belive that their air
they consume my breath
nothing else matters
unless it is death
but all the strings that i have once had
all are broken and layed down
poor little strings
for once i held so dear
couldnt you see
that there is just one for me?
but you didnt see
so you got hurt
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Untitled 4

I lay here awake
wishing you were here
I stare at the moon and imagine that you are
my eyes sweep over the room
you here and your mine
moon light cascades upon your front
your lips smile and shed warmth upon mine
breath tickles my ears as you say hello
I wrap my arms around your neck
to give you a welcoming kiss
bodies press till there is no separation
fingers entangle in manes as passion lingers
green eyes flash when brown ones meet up with them
the moments are so few yet so very precious
clouds hide the luminous moon
and you suddenly evaporate from my arms
I wake from my fantasy wanting you more
terrible the fact of it was just a dream
I must make do with my imagination
till I can fall asleep and wake
for in my daylight you mine
even just for a few moments

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Untitled 5

Dreams, some say they do come true
mine are still in my head
collecting dust and being forgotten
I have always prided myself for
the ability to wake and remember my dreams
most of the time i rush my day away
just to got to sleep at night and live in my wishes
I hide myself every night in these fantasies
I used to believe that was all I had
my awake life was always such a hardship
so I would run to my dreams
I used to believe they were the perfect drug
now I have found another drug
one just as equally powerful
with this drug I would
hide myself, absorb myself, and control myself
I believed I was freer in these intoxicants
but I cant run far enough
I am still found, captured, tormented
tormented by something Im not used to
something Im not comfortable with
Im afraid of love
that's right, afraid
I am afraid to be loved, to have love, and to give love
I have lived so long without this one simple thing
I now have to face that I need it
that I want it so dearly
and that scares the crap out of me
its found me again and this time
I have no where to hide
and I know I cannot run from it.

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Untitled 6

come dance with me shadow lover
he who stalks my dreams
come twirl me across the ballroom
and show me your face
I have fallen for you
and yet we have not met
but I pine away my hours
just to a bit of breath with you
I wake just to smell you shadow lover
for I believe I can smell your cologne
I sleep so I can dance with you
and you dance so divine
you kiss me in my dreams shadow lover
and the kisses are so very sweet
like nectar from a fresh bloomed honeysuckle
I yearn for them every night
just like the humming bird for his flowers
they feed my heart and power my dreams
show yourself shadow lover
I want you to be real
no more dancing in make believe
no more senses on haywire
my heart is fragile shadow lover
don't tell me your not real
I can't live with out our dance
our shared passion in my dreams
My dreams.....
...shadow lover?...
... my... nothing.

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Helen Craules


Pale Blue

I love the skies blue pale color and it’s dark magnificent midnight blue when the sun comes down is profound. Everytime I see it, it takes me away to the ends of the deeps blue sea. Where the wakes dance along with the mermaids and the shining stars twinkle down on them.

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As I sit here by myself

I question everything

Why do people walk?

Why do they laugh?

And why do they look at each other?

But my answer comes from the heart,

The pure heart of God, who is with me.

It is so simple and dear, it is "Love."

The one thing I had, but no longer have.

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Life, is a deck of cards. You have the Ace’s and everythings great. You give it away and the world comes down. You get a king and all is right, but everytime you see the Ace’s you want to go back.

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Two Rose Kiss

Two rose kiss I wished from you,

Two rose kiss I prayed from you,

Two rose kiss I got from you

Two rose kiss I have died for you

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Daniela Ayala

Poem 1

I see you in my mind

I see you in my heart all the time I see you I see my happiness

I see you in my mind I see you in my heart. Every time just there to comfort me as a friend and soon a lover.

I see you in my mind I see you in my heart. Always here to fill my soul with love and kindness.

I see you in my mind I see you in my heart and now that I see your true feelings, you see me in your mind you see me in your heart.

And there I will be from now until eternity.

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Poem 2

I’m here always thinking, wondering, how fast I can run. How fast I would have to run to catch up with you. By the time you come I barely realize I must start after you. Running, chasing, always chasing. I run after you. The second I finally catch up to you I miss. Wait here alone until I can start running just a little faster, would I be able to touch you. Would I be able to hold you in my arms at night when you come or will I never catch you.

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Poem 3

Nothing fills my mind and I’m left with a very lost soul. Lost because I don’t know what I want. Walking down the street my soul follows like my shadow. The only difference is that my shadow will never choose my destiny. It can never change my life. My soul maybe lost, but one day it will find it’s way back, and then when you look upon my eyes there it will be. My head filled with everything except nothing. When my destiny is chosen.

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Poem 4

Oh, what do I see before me, but an insufferable death, one which takes all of honor. For on this night two hypocrites dared to cross me with their gentle nods and patronizing maybes. How they are the King and Queen of Hypocrites. I know I could not tell; how I should have known. Their patient glances and taunting kindness. How I wish them both terrible horrible deaths. For on this of all nights my prayers shall finally be answered and my life happy once more. Because on this of all nights the king and his queen shall lay their heads on the pillow of death, and be kissed by the splendid blade in my dreams. And as dawn awakens she shall find the King and his Queen of Deceit dead along with their lies.

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Poem 5

The look of all innocence is what I get of you. The touch of all gentleness is what I feel from you. Your smile always warms the day. Your laughter always fills my heart with love. Your eyes, and soul bring me to tears with all honesty. The look of innocence is what I see. But when we kiss I feel no innocence from you. When my lips meet yours and our hearts become one I see no innocence. Always two sides in a person with an innocent look. Always one way to find out. With one kiss it all shatters and out comes the innocence. A kiss is deceitful. So my innocence was never true.

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Randal Munguia

Poem 1

The angels of above

The angels of below

Both which are fighting for my soul

At this moment there is a fork in my life

The angels of above guide my path

The angels of below show me wonder beyond wonders

No man right now tells me what to do.

But I will make the right decision soon

For up above there is eternal happiness

And down below a world of darkness

Pretty soon judgment day will come

And all the angels will have their fun

With souls undecided, and souls which are right

The angels below will show them a fright

In this time there will be total chaos

And all the souls which will be lost

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Poem 2

In my sanctuary I will hide

Everyone calling its time to get out

In this place of mine I feel safe

I can let my frustrations out, no one will hear me shout

Been in this place for five years now

I don’t even remember what’s holding me down

Shackled to the wall, I can’t hear you call

To let me free out in the world

So full of hate, anger, and greed

After all, I don’t think I’m freed

Back in my sanctuary I will grow

And wait till the time to spread my wings and show exactly what I’ve become

Different from everyone

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Vincent's Poems

Certain love, Uncertain Circumstances

Sealed fates of love between our hearts
Sunrise shining on the mountainside
The whirring clicks of our machines
Mimic the hasty beating of my heart

Words sent afar by hand or sound
Can never hope to match your touch
Your hands, embrac, such pleasant warmth
Your smiles, our kisses, heavenly

But logic, faith, dicate we mustn't
Restraining us with chaims of love
and fear, confusion join us now
The fog grows thicker each passing day

Too weak am I to lift the veil
My light of hope unseen
Alone, uncertain, my mind indulges fantasies:
Her form emerges from the mist, angelic, no-words describe her

Holding hands, our eyes do meet, the fog around us clear
Our lips remain unmoving, no words are needed now,
our souls entwining, two hearts beat
                One message:
                        Darling, I love you.


And so I said, “I love you, Dear”
	and she smiled, and laughed,
	and walked away

I don't know why she turns away
I follow, chase, but never close
	It seems so strange, to feel, to love
	but always turn away

It feels so right, to love her so
It seems she loves me too; 
	she says she does, more than I know,
but I don't understand...

A new feeling this to grace my soul
this warm and pleasant thought
Our own small realm of paradise
I find between our hearts,
	so lovely I don't want to leave
	Heaven, not above, but right here in our embrace

Does she think these same things?
Am I alone in my affections,
	as I have been for so long?

No, my heart says, and I know I can trust it now
She loves me, but she fears to act...

I don't pretend to understand
	Why she denies our soul-joined hearts 
I ask, and she says
	“Give me time to think,”
	...resisting desire to say “my Darling...”

So if she needs more time to think
then I shall wait for months on end
	always here to sweetly greet her,
a warm embrace and loving kiss,
	and whisper in her ear:

	Darling, Welcome Home.

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