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~~~9th January 2000~~~

~~~9th January 2001~~~

January 9th, 2000
was the day
I accepted God in my life!
I gladly received Him
In my heart,
In my mind,
And in my soul.
He came to me
With His Divine embrace
And He lifted me up!
I purified myself for Him,
Because only in Him
I find my true
And eternal love!
He is my power,
He is my engine,
He is my tool,
And He is my medicine
For all my days.
His river of life
Runs through me.
He cleanses my sins,
And He quenches my thirsts!
His arms I see,
Stretching out
His heavenly embrace
Giving me comfort and warmth!
His touch I feel,
Transferring His almighty
strength unto me.
His heavenly garment
Covering my whole body,
Giving me
The most wonderful reassurance
For my shelter,
Faith and hope
For the life that
He has provided for me!
My new life,
my new beginning,
My rebirth,
Is with my God,
Jesus Christ!

~~~random thoughts by yadni~~~

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