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poem by: yadni

Tucked in the corner amidst spider webs and dust,
A lone base lay, color unknown, unwanted, neglected!
With my cautious steps, I daringly walked towards it,
And with my trembling hands I picked it up!
A force from my deep breathing
Gradually cleared the dirt and web,
Nervously waiting for its real appearance!
Seconds became minutes, the base is owned
Now, gently cradled in my arms
Surrendering its dedication to mine.
It was not long time ago,
When fresh flowers greet my daily existence
The base adorned by an array of fresh cut flowers
Its sweet scents rejoicing with my daylight spirit
Nourishing my energy with delight.
It is heavenly!
There were red roses!
Which speaks the language of love.
Forget-me-nots for that wonderful true love,
Tulips for being a perfect lover,
Daffodils just to send such high regards!
And of course, pink carnation for saying,
I will never forget you!
Now, the base is empty!
No more scents, no more delight;
The world seems to stand still around me.
Where are the flowers?
Are they gone for good?
The base still standing in front of me,
Quietly it will wait,
Its stillness is making my heart beat a little faster!

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