Biography of Ms RuSSia
Kalita Cox was born May 30th,1984 in Newark, New Jersey. A resident of Irvington New Jersey, she surpasses the stereotypical visions of an African American female. Her writing capabilities had gotten her recognition by city/state officials, and mayors. She has done numerous showcases in NY and has been selected to do 2 state to state tours befor the end of summer 2003. Her stage name "Ms. RuSSia", definitely defines her skills in poetry due to her ability to "rush ya".In other word, when you listen to her speak, you will definately get a rush of emotion.
She began writing at a very young age. Short poems and stories were her beginning pieces of art as she grew into a more deeper understanding of life. At the age of 16, she branched off into music, writing songs and rap verses and recording them in studios. She came to the decision that the music scene was not her piece of pie and came back to poetry and novels.
She has touched many hearts with her powerful dedication to the September 11th attacks with her intense poem entitled We Stood Strong.The word usage and personification of this poem has indeed proved Kalita to be a very strong writer. Her other works include Sands Of Time and Kindza Brotha's in which she speaks to the African American community to encourage them to be proud of who they are and of their heritage. She also is working on her first novel entitled A Cold Night on Melrose circling around the struggles of a young female and her relationship.
Going by the pseudonym of Ahzien Coley, Kalita would like to become a very well known published author and successful entreprenuer. Given the title "the poetic messenger", she believes that "with God by your side, anything is possible and if you keep your trust in him, you will never fail. She refers to her talent as "God's gift" and says that her "gift is her hands". Her answer to anyone who asks the question "What motivates you?" is simply this- "I leave everything in God's hands because I know that my season is coming so I'll trust in God and let my gift make room for me".