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who i was
who i am

old poems
death #2
death #3
sanitary cleanup


who i was.

the following is the introduction to my site as it was written 4/9/2002.

My name is Eva, I'm sixteen, currently living in a psychiatric hospital, and I am dead. Quite the introduction, isn't it? My death was a slow one...and I still can't decide which is worse: the dying process or death it's self. How does one chose between angish and numbing coldness?

On a brighter note I write "poetry," if that's what you want to call it. Personally, I think it's more like random mental vomit written in a way that vaugly resembles verse. But "poetry" sounds much nicer =) And this page is meant to share my delusions with the masses. woohoo.

So my poems and stuff.

i was discharged from the hospital 2 months later. i was hospitalized for 9 months. i had been hospitalized three times prior to that. i have been hospitalized once since.