What is love?
- What happens when love is no more?
- Where does it go?
- Does it leave your body slow like dripping blood?
- Or does it leave like words, short and fast?
- Can love come back?
- Is it possible to grab it before it leaves?
- Or does it slip out and gone forever?
- Has any one found out what makes it tick?
- What is the true meaning?
- How is loving your dog different from loving a partner?
- It’s the same word, so what’s the difference between them?
- What is true love?
- Is there such a thing?
- How will we know when it happens?
- Does it hit us in the face?
- Or does it pass us by ever knowing it?
- If every one has a soul mate where is mine?
- Is it behind a wall or across the ocean?
- What is love?