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The Fab Fuzzbutt Ranchers

More About My Pets
Photo Album
Tips on Raising and Training Pets
Fuzzie Links and Webrings
Fuzzy Extras

Photo Album



Here you will find pics of us and all our fuzzies past and present.

There are just a few and I'll put up more as I get them taken or scanned.

This is Sarah  This is Liz   Yours Truly

These are my daughters, Sarah and Elizabeth and Myself

Raz, Cebo and Sparkles.

Cebo gettin' bopped by Smokie 

a.k.a. "little bunny Fufu".

Sadie givin' smoochies to Liz

Sarah and Liz (Sarah is 6' 2")

Sparkles, when we first got her 

she was sooo tiny.

Raz's stash of treats

Raz and Cebo playing hide 

and seek in the trash can.

Mitzi the alien, this is why you should never do laundry with your fuzzies out!!

Everybody eatin chicken gravy

This is Sadie beggin' for toobsnax.

Here is their cage, it's 2 cages 

where we cut and strapped together 

with zip ties to create this 6 level apartment.

Sadie free climbing the cage, 

she's made it all the way to the 

top and up on the shelves.

Sparkles the pillow princess

Cebo and Granny, he luvs his Granny

Smokie sleeping on momma's bed

Tigger got pulled into the hammie

This is Hush, he's playing 

at the rainbow bridge just 

chasin' his tail and romping with Buddy.

Yogies!!! YAH!!!!