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Guess I am the type of person who can get STONED on will be evident shortly as you browse my pages... I'd love to welcome you to this web page, an exercise in self indulgence and experimentation and would sincerely like to thank you for your open mindedness and patience while reading my entries. As you can see, I am somebody who is easily impressed by what goes on in life, and my poetry is sort of eclectic… but always romantic (Bear in mind I am someone who lived through The Beaver Cleaver Years, Flower Power, Disco, Hip-Hop and Rap! It has taken its toll. Sometimes my mind is like a radio with the knob ripped off – I cannot stop thinking!)

I suspect that life is an arena of inspiration, both the positive and the negative. Each day we exist has unlimited potential...even if we are temporarily clueless as to its premium. (I sometimes feel I am the EMPEROR OF CLUELESS). Perhaps this web page will be a record of my scrambled brain own personal therapy...that I can keep adding to and read occasionally...And then belt out some PRIMAL SCREAMS!!!!!!!!

I recently started a new section called “Love Stinks”, a reflection from my own personal experiences...

March 30, 1999

From great pain has come great courage;
from years of tears, the truth;
and from my poetry, freedom.

You do not care for flowers
or gifts bestowed to you from me
For they shall not endure the ages,
beautiful though they may be
But what I write upon these pages
all eyes evermore shall see

Copyright (c) 1999 NativeTexan2 (Rich M).
It is illegal to reproduce or distribute this work
in any manner or medium without written permission of the author.

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