Bone Dragon
Chapter One: Crash Towards the Left:
Sunday started out normal. 2-D went to the nearby store to pick up some treats and roses for Reese.
She’s still upset about yesterday, he thought at the ice cream section. What did that lot want anyway? Suspicion pointed to Murdoc, but 2-D shook his head.
He wouldn’t do that to me! The lead singer paused at that thought. Would he? The man tried to think of something else as he picked out strawberry ice cream. Reese probably wouldn’t like it, but it would have to do for now. 2-D looked over at his cart.
“Let’s see,” he muttered. “Crisps, soda, Nutella, Mars bars, fried veggie sticks, ice cream, roses, lager. Do I need anything else?” He looked over the cart once again. I think that’s it, he thought. 2-D pushed the cart to the check our line. He waited as the cashier rang up the items.
“Twenty quid, please,” she said. 2-D reached into his pocket and paid for the groceries.
“Paper or plastic, sir?” the clerk asked.
“Paper, I guess,” 2-D answered. The clerk bagged up the groceries before she handed him his change and receipt.
“You have a good day,” she said.
“You too,” 2-D said back. He picked up his groceries and headed out the door.
Miles away, a car came speeding down the street. The driver, under the influence of pain meds, lost control of the wheel. He even had mistaken the gas for the brake.
“Oh no,” her murmured. “Stop, stop!” 2-D happened to step out of the store just inches away. He looked up too late.
“What the…?” he asked aloud. CRASH! The last thing he remembered was flying through the air with the roses spilling on the ground before crashing the pavement. Everything went black.