Sakura Kinomoto is the main character of the anime Card Captor Sakura. Cheerful, optimistic, and full of spark. Sakura is a character who is always very much liked by all the people around her. Sakura was a normal 4th grader. She makes friends very easily. Sakura is also very good with the chores around the house and very responsible for someone her age.
When Sakura first found out about the Clow Cards and saw Kero-chan, she wasn't too shocked about the whole situation. Kero-chan told her about the Clow Cards, Sakura refused to be a Card Captor. After much prompting he got her to make the contract with the Sealing Wand, making Sakura a Card Captor. Unlike other magical girls, Sakura is anything but ditzy and whiny.
Sakura is very quick to act on her feet and the fact that she's really good at sports helps her out even more in her quest to find the Clow Cards. Sakura is rather sensitive and very trusting, so she can be hurt very easily.
Sakura is not afraid of the Clow Cards. She's only fearless of the Clow Cards because she "knows what they are." Sakura is scared to death by ghosts. Sakura's best friend is Tomoyo. She enjoys Tomoyo's company very much.
Sakura lives with her father and her over-protective brother, Touya. He also is able to see spirits and ghosts. They are both constantly bickering. However, they both care for each other very much and are both always looking after each other in their own ways.
Sakura's target of affection at the beginning of the series is Yukito, Touya's best friend. Sakura is always happy when she sees Yukito. She tries her hardest to be very nice to Yukito and Yukito is also very nice to her in return. Yukito probably sees Sakura as nothing more but a smaller sibling that he cares for in a big brother kind of way.
Shaolan Li
Shaolan Li is the quiet and serious rival of Sakura's that appears in episode 9. Sakura and Shaolan's first meeting wasn't one that started off on the right foot. Shaolan knew that Sakura had the Clow Cards and since he wanted to capture the Clow Cards himself, he wasn't all that nice to her.
First of all, he is quiet and very serious. Determined to catch the Clow Cards himself, he isn't going to let anyone in his way. He underestimates Sakura at the beginning, and later on, after he sees her in action, he gives her more respect. After a while Shaolan starts to work together with Sakura and they become good friends.
Kero-chan was not so quick in accepting and respecting him. One person that Shaolan really didn't get started on the right relationship with is Touya. He is always suspicious of Shaolan especially because of that first encounter with him when he was trying to steal the Clow Cards from Sakura.
Shaolan is very shy. He's very non-emotional and doesn't know how to really express his feelings. So whenever he is around someone he likes, he immediately gets as red as a tomato. Whenever he sees Yukito, he promptly blushes insanely and flees the area. Later, he starts blushing around Sakura as they become closer. Once, when he saved her from the Return card, she glomped him and thanked him. It seemed by then that his affections were kind of swaying away from Yukito to Sakura. His family already set up his marriage for him and his fiancée is Meiling. She isn't really good for Shaolan because he's so shy and he isn't really comfortable with the constant affection that Meiling shows him.
Shaolan uses his Lashin board to find Clow Cards. He also has a sword and other magical attacks/powers that he chants and fires. Neither Sakura nor Shaolan is always saving the other one but they are both always taking care of each other and their friends.
The only people he doesn't trust easily are people who he can feel a strange aura or presence from. He is always warning Sakura about these people and telling her to be careful around them. However, Sakura is too nice, naive, and doesn't feel like they threaten her, so she makes friends with them, which both kind of frustrates and worries Shaolan.
If people are normal, Shaolan trusts them very easily and is also very naive about them. Once Shaolan trusts somebody and becomes friends with them. He is one of those people who would never turn against their friends and would always protect them from danger.
Kero-chan is Kereberus, the guardian of the Clow Cards. He was created by Clow Reed to make sure that the cards' seal never gets broken. His snoring was what caused Sakura to go down into her father's study on that fateful day when she released the Clow Cards.
Sakura calls out the Windy card and releases all of the Clow Cards. Kero-chan pops his head from a book and says, "Konichiwa!!" Kero-chan declares that he is anything but a stuffed animal, and he is the great beast of the seal, Kereberus! He explains that it's his duty to protect the Clow Cards from escaping then notices that the Clow Cards are all gone. Sakura explains that she called the Windy card and they all flew away.
Kero-chan and Sakura often get into petty fights about little things. Kero-chan is very stubborn, so he hates to lose arguments, and Sakura doesn't give in either. So whenever they have a fight, it's usually a pretty big one. However, they both care about each other a lot, and this shows through whenever they're in tight situations.
Kero-chan is loud-mouthed, vain, and rude. He isn't afraid to tell people exactly what he thinks and if he ever starts a relationship on the wrong foot with someone. He holds a grudge against them for a long time.
Kero-chan's actual appearance is not that of a stuffed animal. The reason he is in that appearance is because his magic is dwindling. Kero-chan is under the Sun sign, so he needs the Fire and the Earthy cards to turn into his complete original form.
Kero-chan is not what you would expect from a magical girl stuffed animal type mascot. A lot of the time he is left at home while Sakura goes to school, playing video games.
Since Kero-chan is also not with her in some instances where she has to catch a card, Sakura ends up thinking up strategies on her own. He teaches her a lot of stuff about being a card captor such as how to manage her magic, decipher her dreams, read the cards as Tarot Cards, and how to sense the presence of a Clow Card. He also knows all of the characteristics of all the cards, so he knows what their weaknesses and strengths are, what to use against them and what won't work against them.
Kero-chan and Sakura are a perfect team. Sakura is kind and she never would keep grudges against people. Kero-chan never has to nag Sakura to be the Card Captor and Sakura doesn't really mind him being a bit lazy.
Tomoyo is Sakura's best friend and they have been best friends for a long time. Tomoyo loves Sakura to pieces. It almost seems that she loves Sakura more than a friend, but does a good job of keeping that a mystery. She is constantly taping Sakura, and every single thing that Sakura says, or every little thing that Sakura does, Tomoyo goes on about how cute Sakura was when she looked like that, and how she wished that she had her video camera along with her to tape the moment. Tomoyo and Sakura's friendship started when Tomoyo was new in class, and she lost her eraser. Sakura offered to give Tomoyo her own eraser, and that's how it all began. Tomoyo treasures that eraser very dearly and keeps it locked up in a case with Nadeshiko's (Sakura's mother's) bouquet of flowers from her wedding with Fujisawa (Sakura's father).
After Sakura became a Card Captor, the next day at school, she was at school early for cleaning duty, when Tomoyo came early also and told Sakura that she had something she wanted to show her. It was a taping of Sakura and Kero-chan flying beside the moon with the Fly card! Now it was found out by Tomoyo, and the duo was in quite a troublesome situation.
Unlike what they were expecting, Tomoyo didn't seem surprised at all. Sakura introduced Kero-chan to Tomoyo, and then Kero-chan explained to her how Sakura became a Card Captor. Tomoyo joined Sakura and Kero-chan in catching the Clow Cards.
Tomoyo and Kero-chan immediately became very good friends from the first time they both met. Whenever Sakura refuses to do a certain assignment because she is scared, Tomoyo and Kero-chan both outnumber her two to one because they both want her to do it. Tomoyo always goes with Sakura and Kero-chan to tape her, and she always makes costumes for Sakura to fight with. Tomoyo also makes a matching outfit for Kero-chan also, usually consisting of a bow or a hat or something like that.
Tomoyo's other hobby is dedicated to the video camera. She is always taping everything, and her favorite subject to tape is Sakura and her heroism with the Clow Cards. She never lets herself live it down if she forgets her camera and misses the chance to tape Sakura. Tomoyo also has an amazing voice, possibly the best in the school. When the Song card was in the school, it copied the most beautiful voice and mimicked it, singing it at night when nobody else was around. Many people thought that it was a ghost, but then Sakura noticed that it sounded a lot like Tomoyo's voice. The Song card had copied Tomoyo's voice because it was the most beautiful. Tomoyo can also cook very well. So even though Tomoyo isn't very good in sports and energetic activities like that, she still has many talents.
Though Tomoyo doesn't have any magical power, she is still very helpful to Sakura and Kero-chan in catching the Clow Cards. Tomoyo is always cheering Sakura on and supporting her whenever she needs it. When Kero-chan is almost found talking and moving by other people, Tomoyo also does a very good acting job of covering it up. Kero-chan once told her that she could win the Oscar for her performances.
Since Tomoyo's mother is the president of a very big company, Tomoyo's family is very important. Tomoyo is an only child who lives with her mother and servants in their humongous mansion. Tomoyo's mother Sonomi Daidouji is a very busy lady, so she doesn't have a lot of time to spend with Tomoyo. However, she does try to be with Tomoyo as much as possible.
The girls are always together and Tomoyo loves Sakura to pieces. Sometimes one might wonder if it is friendship love, or perhaps a bit more than that. Sonomi is Nadeshiko's cousin. Sakura and Tomoyo are both related in some way, even though it's not a very close relation. They're like second cousins. Tomoyo doesn't really have a crush on somebody like Sakura does. Other than maybe having feelings towards Sakura, Tomoyo really doesn't have any other romantic interest in the anime. In the manga, however, she does blush around Touya, but that really doesn't develop into a huge crush like Sakura has on Yukito.
Tomoyo is a very kind-hearted and sweet girl. Tomoyo is very aware of Sakura's crush towards Yukito-san, and even if Tomoyo might have more than a friendship love towards Sakura, she still encourages Sakura to be brave and approach Yukito. Tomoyo understands Sakura's feelings more than Sakura does sometimes, and they have a very nice friendship. She is extremely loyal, kind, caring, funny, supportive, and everything else that one would want in a good friend.
Meiling is Shaolan's fiancée/cousin from Hong Kong. Their families had arranged their marriage for them already. She loves Shaolan to pieces and is always hanging onto him wherever they go.
The first time she appears is actually in episode 19, where Sakura and Tomoyo are over at Shaolan's house because Sakura and Shaolan both fell into a river and got soaked. Shaolan was letting Sakura borrow some clothes, when all of a sudden, Meiling bursts into the apartment and hugs Shaolan, asking him if he missed her. She then notices Sakura and Tomoyo, and has a fit because Shaolan was letting Sakura borrow the shirt that Meiling once gave him as a gift. Meiling felt that Sakura threatened the relationship between her and Shaolan from the very beginning. Meiling is constantly trying to be better than Sakura at everything she does. She makes everything out to be a kind of competition. People just adore Sakura. This causes Meiling to be even more jealous.
Meiling does not possess any magical powers. But she is a direct descendant from Clow himself. This causes Meiling to have even more fits of jealousy because she can't help Shaolan by catching the Clow Cards for him and Sakura has a lot of magical power. Kero-chan is always teasing her about it. Meiling and Kero-chan didn't really start their relationship on the right foot either. Meiling can still hold her own with fighting. She is an amazing martial arts fighter and once she beat up the Fight card with her fighting ability when no one else was able to do it.
Meiling is hot headed, short tempered, possessive, and very insecure. She usually jumps into situations without thinking and sometimes ends up getting herself into trouble.
Now, when it comes to love, there is only one person for Meiling as she claims. Meiling always needs proof that Shaolan cares about her and she is always worried that Shaolan likes another girl, or that he doesn't love her, or that he thinks she's just an annoyance.
Soon, Meiling starts to become great friends with Sakura and Tomoyo. The four are almost inseparable and they all enjoy each other's company. Meiling and Sakura especially become really good friends.
Meiling is so insecure a lot of the time is because she's never really had any good friends, and while they were growing up. When she was a kid, Meiling declared that she loved Shaolan, and asked him to promise that he will marry her. Meiling said that unless he loves another girl more than her, he will keep his promise to marry her when they grow up. But if he feels like he loves another girl more, then she will give him up. Shaolan, not wanting to hurt her feelings, and practically being forced into it, complied with her offer.
In the second season, Meiling's aunt calls her back to Hong Kong. Meiling then gets the idea that perhaps all this time, she has been nothing but an annoyance for Shaolan until she and Shaolan work together to catch the Twin card, and Meiling goes home in high spirits. Meiling never existed in the manga but she was just added in the anime.
Yukito is the target of many people's obsessions throughout the series. This guy's got an unbreakable smile, the ability to consume food like a vacuum cleaner, and supernatural kindness.
The first thing that one would notice about Yukito would be his ability to eat huge quantities of food in very small amounts of time. He adores sweet foods. A lot of the time he eats so much that he finishes his own lunch and then Touya sacrifices himself and gives his own lunch to him.
Touya and Yukito are always together and it's quite obvious that they love each other a great deal. The relationship between these two isn't really focused on until the last season. Touya is extremely protective of Yukito. He is definitely the more calm and composed one, while Touya is more emotional. Yuki is more laid-back and easygoing, and just about no one in the series is on his bad side. He is always kind to every creature that he comes across, and has a caring smile for everyone. It is hard to get Yukito worked up over anything.
While Touya will be doing something mischievous, Yuki will be the one to gently scold him for playing the role of the "bullying big brother," and will make up for his actions by offering to buy Sakura another cone of ice cream. Yukito is more gentle, and is overall more soft-spoken and polite with people.
It truly takes a lot to faze Yukito, and in that respect he is amazing. He's an "I'm just going with the flow" kind of guy, and lets everything go on its own course, not letting about his own desires take over him. He is also very self-sacrificing, and this quality shows through with his extreme generosity. He's always the first to offer to treat people to food, or give them presents, or make them feel good about themselves. Yukito has a certain air, a certain charm about him, that just makes everyone feel all warm and gooey inside, and spreads comfort.
He's got Touya, Sakura, and Shaolan all head over heals for him. Even though Shaolan's love for him is a little questionable, Yukito is the one person in CCS who has the record for having the most people after him. And even though it's very obvious that Sakura has a crush on Yukito, and Touya sees it as well, he doesn't say anything when Sakura and Yukito are together.
Yukito isn't only good at eating and being kind, but he is also really good at archery. Yuki's personal life isn't explained in too much detail, but he's an only child, who lives with his grandparents at a humble house. They're always traveling everywhere, and therefore aren't home a lot of the time, leaving Yukito to take care of the house. Yukito has somewhat been incorporated into the Kinomoto family, because he's always around so much.
Overall, Yukito is a very kind and generous character. In the first two seasons, Yukito seems like a very flat character, and doesn't any depth into his personality at all. Once the third season approaches, Yukito and his relationship with Touya get a lot of depth, and Yukito becomes a much more intriguing character.
Touya is Sakura's brother, and a very overprotective one too, though he'd never admit it. He is extremely popular with the girls, and has a 6th sense which lets him sense spirits and the like. Though Sakura thinks that he doesn't know anything about her and the Clow Cards, he knows a lot more than it seems.
Touya is always teasing Sakura in a very older brother like way. Kaijuu is the main insult that Touya has for Sakura as he applies that everything she does is very monster-like. It drives her up the walls and is usually successful in getting quite a rise out of her. However, Touya always expects her reactions. In fact, whenever she's so much in a daze so that she doesn't even react, he gets suspicious and wonders what's on her mind.
Though Touya is always teasing Sakura, he cares a lot for her. He's overprotective of her in more of a subtle way, but is always ready to protect her whenever the time calls for it, especially from other guys. He is always on alert when it comes to people who could ever hurt Sakura, or for guys who try to approach her. As Yukito says, Touya has a "sister complex." Touya's care for Sakura are almost like a father's, in that he is sad to see that she won't be dependent on him anymore.
In fact, Touya nor Shaolan would ever admit it, the two are a great deal like each other. First off, they both have the dark hair and dark eyes, they both know martial arts, they're both extremely protective when it comes to the people that they love, they are extremely loyal, and they both glare.
One thing about Touya is that he has many, many part time jobs. In fact, they are almost endless, and he seems to show up almost everywhere that Sakura goes. Some of his part time jobs have varied from working in an aquarium, an ice cream parlor, as a giant teddy bear at a festival who passes out balloons, and endless restaurants/ cafes. Sometimes his part time jobs are random and strange.
Touya has many girls in his grade after him as he is definitely an eye catcher. He never pays attention to any of them as he already has someone very important to him. That person is, of course, Yukito. They are always together, and though their relationship is much more subtle towards the beginning of the series, by the end their relationship is focused on a lot more, and it's obvious how much the two care for each other. Touya is definitely the more masculine one in the relationship while Yukito has a certain femininity and frailness about him. Sometimes Yukito helps out with Touya's part time jobs. Touya also always gives Yuki his lunch whenever Yuki is still hungry, though he finished his own lunch already. Touya doesn't mind giving his lunch away, as long as Yukito is happy.
One thing about Touya is that he is very afraid of losing the people that he loves. This is most likely because his mother Nadeshiko passed away when he was around the age of 10, and he probably misses her very much. He is very afraid of losing other people that are close to him because of that. He is extremely protective of the people he loves, and this is also evident with Yukito, one person he is especially afraid of losing. Before Touya met Yuki, he had met Kaho, and they had fallen in love. Kaho had to leave for England, and as she left, she told him that by the time she returned, he would have found someone else that he loves. This broke his heart very much.
Touya is very afraid of losing Yuki, and he fears it even more as the plot progresses. This connects to his 6th sense, in that he can sense a lot of things that a lot of people can't. He can sense many things about Yukito that no one else knows, and also knows a lot more about Sakura and the Clow Cards than Sakura thinks. Whenever Touya sees Kero-chan, he always glares at him. Kero-chan is forced to pretend to be a stuffed toy.
As Touya is connected to spirits with his 6th sense, he is also connected to music. He used to play the piano together with his mother while she was still alive. Touya was close to his mother because he was ten years old when she died. Nadeshiko wrote Touya's birthday on her calendar and filled it in for him, because it only appeared on normal calendars every four years. He has many sides to him, and his relationships with the rest of the cast are always interesting, because he's got such an interesting personality.
As Kereberus is a guardian of the Clow Cards who rules under the Sun sign, Yue is his counterpart, in that he rules under the moon. His name means 'moon' in Chinese. Yue is the person who lives close to the person who is capturing the Clow Cards on purpose, because he is also the conductor of the Last Judgment, which is held to see if the person who catches all the Clow Cards is worthy enough to be their new master.
Before Yue is required to perform the Last Judgment, he has a false form. The false form of Yue is someone who is close to the candidate for the Clow Cards, but it is kept secret. When Sakura captures the last card, the Earthy, and signs her name at the bottom, sealing it, we find out who Yue's false form is. It is actually, none other than Yukito, Sakura's long time crush.
Yue is exactly the opposite of Yukito when it comes down to personality. While Yukito is very amiable, friendly, warm, cheerful, and hardly ever gets angry or upset, Yue is his complete opposite. Yue is very cold; he doesn't smile very much, and doesn't speak unless he absolutely has to. He is also bad tempered and grouchy a lot of the time, and overall much more intimidating. While Yukito is always stuffing his face and eats enough food to feed a small country, Yue never eats anything. He doesn't really need any food to survive on his own, and neither does Kero-chan, but Kero-chan enjoys sweet things a lot. Yue, on the other hand, neither drinks nor eats.
To Yue, nothing can replace Clow Reed, the master of the Clow Cards and his creator. He loved Clow Reed dearly, and was extremely devoted to him. To pass the Final Judgment, Sakura had to defeat Yue with all the cards that she had in her possession.
Very stubbornly, Yue ordered Sakura to close her eyes, and then proclaimed her to be the new mistress of the Cards. She had passed the Final Judgment.
Kero-chan and Yue then decided to continue living life in their false forms along with Sakura, and only transformed to their true forms when it was absolutely necessary, so that they could be up to their full potential and protect Sakura. Yue kept on living as Yukito, and lived life normally. Though Yukito had absolutely no knowledge of Yue living inside of him, Yue knew everything. He saw and heard everything through Yukito's eyes and ears, and kept Yukito's memories. Sakura was at first never able to be able to see Yukito and Yue as the same person, because their personalities were so different. The Yukito that she was always so "Hanyaan!" over was the complete opposite of Yue, his true form. Sakura also was intimidated by Yue, but still treated him kindly as a friend.
Eventually, it was clear that Yue developed a liking for the determined little girl that was trying her hardest to convert all the Clow Cards into Sakura Cards. Though he never truly admit it to anyone (and himself, most likely), he really did care for Sakura and felt that she deserved the title of the Mistress of the Clow Cards, soon to be turned into Sakura Cards. However, all through the third season, Yue still kept onto his memories of Clow, and never truly forgot him. Every single time Kero-chan and Shaolan said that Sakura was getting stronger, almost stronger than Clow Reed, Yue would be the first to deny it. He would say, "No, she's not nearly as strong as Clow Reed yet." Kero-chan would tell him that he was being depressing again, to which he would reply, "I'm not being depressing, just telling the truth."
The way that Yue compared Sakura's power to Clow Reed's made Sakura very self conscious and unsure of herself. She also started to compare herself to Clow Reed, and then felt very insignificant, felt as if she could never fill Clow's shoes. She felt that she was not worthy enough to be the mistress of the Sakura Cards, because they all loved Clow. Though Kero-chan told her that it was not true, she still lost her confidence towards the end of the third season, and only fully regained it after she went back into the past and talked with Clow Reed using the Return card.
There came a time in the middle of the third season where Sakura was converting so many of the Clow Cards to Sakura Cards that her magic was no longer enough to sustain Yue and Yukito. Kero-chan was not dependent on Sakura's power, because he was under the Sun sign and had an independent source of power. However, Yue, being under the Moon sign, was dependent on the power of his master. Because Sakura was converting all the cards to Sakura Cards, they all were dependent on her power also. Being only a little kid, and not having her power fully developed yet, Yukito started to disappear, literally. At first he started falling asleep all the time, and no longer was able to stay awake. Later on, as things got worse, Yukito would collapse in the middle of doing things. When things got to their worst, Yukito started to become transparent. His hands would no longer be solid, and eventually he would have huge transparent holes in various parts of his body. He was slowly fading out of existence.
Touya, being very keen on these things, noticed. He was aware that Yukito was not human, and he was aware that there was someone else living inside of him. Even Yukito was not aware of this, though he knew that something strange was happening. Whenever Yue turned to his true form, and Yukito fell "asleep", Yukito wouldn't remember anything that happened. So when Yue turned back to his false form, Yukito would have all these gaps in his memory, which disturbed him. Every single time that Touya would try to tell Yukito what he knew, they would be interrupted by Nakuru, and Touya wouldn't be able to finish. Finally, after the incident where Yukito fell off the balcony, Touya gets to tell Yukito. He tells him that he knows there is someone else inside him, and that's when Yue willingly transforms into his true form in front of Touya.
Touya says to Yue, "Finally, I get to meet you." and then offers to give Yue all of his magical power so that Yue will be able to stay alive. It is evident at this point that even though Yue is the complete opposite of Yukito, he still loves Touya, just as Yukito does. And Touya is not bothered at all by this, and loves both the forms of Yukito. Touya gives up his powers to Yue, and Yukito no longer falls asleep everywhere. Touya has to get used to not being able to sense things, such as when Sakura snuck up on him, and he wasn't able to tell that she was there. He doesn't regret giving away his power as long as it helps sustain Yukito and Yue.
At the end of the CCS series, when Sakura turned every single card into a Sakura Card, it seems Yue accepted her. He still remembered Clow Reed, but he gained a great devotion to Sakura, and a great respect for her also. He still didn't admit that he cared for Sakura that much, and Eriol was the person who knew that he really did care for her and loved her as the new mistress of the Sakura Cards. Yue learned to finally let go of past and to begin the future with Sakura.