I have come to a realization. I need to fix myself for Yuki. I can’t go on like this for him. I’ll end up killing him by accident. I can’t do that. Therefore, I am here at Clinic Renku. The Renku Clinic is like rehab for blood drinkers. I’ve heard many successes about this place. I’m hoping this’ll for me. I didn’t tell Yuki aloud. But, I left a note for him on the end table. This program is for six months. It’s a long time. I know Yuki is strong enough to take it. But can I take it? There’s only one way to see…
Day 1:
There are many people here. Most of them demons like me. Some are fledglings. I feel really old here. Plus a bit out of place. But, I have to do this. For Yuki’s sake. Check-in was the easy part. Now for the battle.
We are pretty isolated at this point. They say that changes after a few days. I would love to them try to string us together. Good luck with that suckers! It won’t work. Anyway, after three days, I can do it. What’s the worst that could happen?
Day 2:
We all introduced each other in our different groups. I’m in group seven. It’s mostly guys. There’s only one girl in our group. I don’t mind girls, but I’m more comfortable with men. The idea is to build a support group for support to get better. I try my best not to laugh at all. Ha! I don’t need support! I can do just fine by myself!
My group bores me. They are all just a bunch of whiny babies. I’m glad I wasn’t like that. I have a greater purpose.
The girl in our group turned to me.
“So Shizuma,” she said. “Why are you here?” I looked at her blankly. The rest of the group stared at me. I hate this. I don’t like being put on the spot like this. I’m not shy, but I keep to myself a whole lot. But, I have to give these twits something. I can’t lie though. Well, here goes.
“For my boyfriend,” I replied. I looked at my group. Just as I suspected, they were looking at me sappily. I just smirked to myself. Oh, this’ll be a hoot! Six whole months of this will a snitch. I can do this just fine. This’ll be easy.
Day 3:
My room is like a prison cell. It is so small in here. Yuki’s room is bigger than this. There is only a bed, closet, a small table in this room. The window is small and very high up. The bathroom is smaller than my room! It’s a sink, shower, and toilet. Still, I know it could be worse. I have a single room. A roommate would drive me crazy. I already have myself to worry about. I can’t deal with another blood-drinker.
On the upside, it’s been three days. I’m just fine now. I can do this! All for Yuki!
Day 5:
I’m growing to not like this place. My room is a prison cell. The food sucks. My withdrawals are getting nasty. I haven’t had any blood for five days now. It’s a bitch. But I have to survive for Yuki. I can’t fail him! I love him too much for that! Must… hang… in there!
Day 7:
A week has past. I feel the effect. I’m dying slowly on the inside. My symptoms are coming in again. Sweat, nausea, madness, paranoia, craving so strong that I’ve never known before. It’s not here yet. But the sickness is on its way. I shut my eyes tightly as I lied there on my floor on my back. I feel it coming. The real battle begins.
Day 10:
The sickness has started. It’s bad this time. I might loose my mind this go-around. I keep hearing voice when I am alone. The are just whispers now, but they will get louder over time. I’m sweating buckets. I look over tat the Clow-Weeze needle. They say to use it when we have a withdrawal coming. I sneer at the docs. “I’m not going to use the stupid needle!” I thought. “I won’t need it!” Right now, Mr. Clow-Weeze is looking pretty good now.
No! I can’t give in just yet! I have keep fighting no matter what. I won’t break down and use the needle. I must stay strong! For Yuki! I will not give in! Must stay strong! I can do this! Just… hang… in… there!
Day 13:
I losing it badly! Everything is slowly getting worse around me. The voices are getting louder and louder. My head is throbbing with pain. My clothes are soaked with sweat. I’m hallucinating now. I see my sweet Yuki in the room with me. The hunger for blood is worse than ever. Because of it, my internal organs are fighting against my body. I’m in hell right now! I need to stay strong! I can do this without the shot! I’ll be fine! I don’t need Mr. Clow-Weeze at all! I can make it! I can make it!
Day 14:
I can’t take it anymore! The hunger is getting to me. That’s it! Give me the FUCKING THE NEEDLE!!! GIVE ME THE FUCKING CLOW-WEEZE NEEDLE!!!
Day 15:
Oh sweet Clow-Weeze! How much do I love thee! You are my only true friend here! I would kiss and hug you if I could! Oh yes! I feel so much better now! Ha-ha-ha! I laughed off my high until I was out cold again.
Day 19:
I keep having strange dreams. I keep dreaming about Haruka. I feel really bad about killing her. I find myself crying about it all of the time lately. I also keep dreaming about that weird girl again. I don’t know who she is or what she wants from me at all. It is the same as the last time. It feels so real. But for some reason… I feel like I know her from somewhere. But I just can’t place where. It is so weird.
Day 24:
I feel really down. It’s the depression setting in. I feel so low. It’s like a heavy weight crushing down on my very being. This is the only drawback of Clow-Weeze. It substitutes the need for blood-drinking in the brain, but your mood takes a deep nose-dive. Misery, sorrow, emptiness, blank thoughts, the whole works. You feel so low that you want to kill yourself.
But, I don’t know why I keep fighting now. I want to pack it in, but something won’t let me. It’s like my heart is keeping me in the battle. *Sigh* I guess I have no choice but to keep on fighting. Oh, Yuki…
Day 30:
I can’t take this anymore! This place is getting to me. It’s almost a month and I am giving up. I have failed Yuki. I’m doomed to be a blood-drinking killer for eternity. Yuki doesn’t stand a chance with me at all. I’m going to be depressed and lonely here after all.
But then, the door to my room opened wide. I looked up slightly surprised. Someone was coming to see me? Everyone practically avoids me here. Even the nurses send my meds to me so that they don’t have to see me in person. Newbies won’t visit me either. So who is visiting me in my room?
I looked on hard… to see that bitch Annette! I frowned bitterly. How the hell did she get here? And what does she want?
They Tried to Make Me Go to Rehab