FLCL Again

No, this is boring. Something big needs to happen. How do we start this story? Hm…

A Vespa ripped through the town. (Good.) With it brought a storm of chaos. (What kind?) Uh… Well… There is a demon. (Go on…) Well… There is an alien. (Okay, start us off then.) Right…

A Vespa ripped through the dead town. The rider plowed over everyone in her path. She ignored the screams to slow her down. (Okay.) Her heavy metal music blared in her ears. This woman had a mission today.

Wham! She only stopped when she heard something or rather someone hit the ground. She pulled to a stop and turned around. (Then what?)

A girl with dark green hair glared at her. Her gold eyes saw fire.

“Hey, bitch!” she barked. “What the hell?! Are you trying to kill me or something?! Shit!” The rider lifted her goggles and turned off her music.

“What?” she asked. The green-haired woman puffed up her cheeks.

“You hit me, bitch!” she yelled. “Are you crazy?!” The rider shrugged.

“My bad,” she said. The woman’s nostrils flared.

“Your bad?” she asked. “Your bad?! You nearly killed me!”

“What do you want from me?” the rider asked. The woman glared at her.

“Wait… I know you,” she said. “You’re Haruko! I thought you were in jail! How did you get out?”

Haruko gave her an odd look. “I’m sorry, but do I know you?”

The other woman cleared her throat. “I guess not.”

(Okay, I’m getting confused here. How do Haruko and this lady know each other?)

It will be revealed later. We just got started here.

(Does it tie into the scene?)

You’ll see in a minute. Can I finish the story?

(Sure, sure. Carry on.)

Okay. We’ll skip ahead for a little bit.

(What? Why?)

Hush! Anyway…

A quick bite to eat, Haruko and her new “friend” rode down to an unassuming house. The woman looked at the alien.

“Here?” she asked. Haruko didn’t answer. She climbed off the Vespa and walked up to the front door. The other woman watched as she rang the bell. A boy opened the door and peeked outside.

“Hello?” he asked. Haruko broke into a cat-like grin.

“Hi, Ta-kun,” she cooed. “Guess who’s back?” Natoa’s jaw dropped.

(Then what?)

You’ll have to find out next time.


Here We Go Again