And the Results are…


*Drum Roll*




Noon. He looked in the door of Katie’s. Reese loved this store. Most women in England did. Glam and trash, that’s what it was. Kind of like Allison Goldfrapp. 2-D frowned at the blinding neon pink.

Really?, he thought. But, anything to make Reese happy. He pushed open the door. Hello fan girls!

The clerk got doe-eyed at him.

“Ooo!” she cooed. “It’s 2-D!” Every female in the store looked up. 2-D looked around blankly.

“Uh…” he said. “Can I get served here?” The poor soul didn’t get time to finish the question. All of the women ambushed him without warning. He didn’t even get a chance to defend himself.

“Hey!” he cried. “I just wanted to pick up some panties for my girlfriend!” His creams got lose in the flood of cheers.




Just smile. That’s all he had to do. Murdoc hated it already. But, he knew Dolly would be watching. He gritted his teeth.

I hate her right now, he thought. He glanced up in the café. Dolly sat in one of the booths watching him. He gritted his teeth again.

She’s enjoying this, isn’t she?, he thought. Oh he was going to let her have it good before the day was over.

“Excuse me, is something wrong?” he heard someone ask. Murdoc jerked his head downwards. Sumi looked at him with such an angel face. The bassist gritted his teeth. He shook his head smiling.

“No,” he lied. “I’m fine! Everything’s fine!”

“Are you sure?” Joey’s friend asked.

“Yes!” Murdoc said in a forged sweetness. “There is nothing to worry about, love. I am perfectly fine.” Sumi blinked.

“Okay…” she mumbled.

“Anything else?” the bassist asked.

“No, bye!” the little Japanese girl said before taking off. Murdoc groaned aloud.

Dolly will definitely be my bitch tonight!, he thought. He could hear his girlfriend laughing right now.



Simple visit, right? Ha-ha-ha! So wrong, my friend! So wrong! Where to begin with this tale? Well…

Short sum up comes to this:


Mother= Scared of Destinee and Russell.


Father= Non-existent. (At least her mom says that.)


Older Sister= Ashley was her name. Absent because she works all the time.


Younger Sister= Named Kiki and age of fourteen. Mostly at boarding school. Or is she?


Not bad sounding? Hang on there! Destinee and her family will be examined later on along the road. But now, Russell knew why his girlfriend was nervous in the first place. But is there more? Is there more than family jitters? Maybe something darker?



And what about little Miss Noodle? Where was she in all of this? She was around—with Sky. Yes, yes. Her boyfriend’s back again. Noodle asked him to come. Sky thinks he’s won. Here’s a hint for the real picture: He just stepped into obedience training.

The End (For Now!)