Toshiki Okawa

Age: 21

    Toshiki is Yumi's boyfriend. His parents died when he was three. He found himself on the streets at age five. The only way to survive was to join the army. So Toshiki joined the military. He stayed until he was nineteen when his division was disbanded due to corruption in the leadership. Once again, Toshiki was homeless! For three years, he wandered aimlessly. Then, Toshiki found the Taira gate and fell asleep there. Later, Yumi found him and took the former soldier in. Now, Toshiki lives in the Taira household and works to help the community in odd jobs.

Yumi Taira

Age: 15

    Yumi is Toshiki's girlfriend. She is a pure soul. Yumi found Toshiki at her gate. She took him in and cared for him. When Toshiki stayed with her, they fell in love. Yumi now wants to marry him. She hates war and violence.

Momma Taira

Age: 36

    Momma is Yumi's mom. She is a forgiving soul. Momma forgave Toshiki for his past. She is happy he lives in their household. In fact, Momma wants to see him and her daughter get married.

Poppa Taira

Age: 39

    Poppa is Yumi's dad. At first, he didn't trust Toshiki because of his past in the army. But then the distrust lightened up some. Poppa still doesn't trust the ex-soldier that much. In fact, he doesn't want Toshiki to sleep with Yumi until they marry.

Don Brady

Age: 31

    Don is the owner of the Tokyo Community Center. He doesn't trust Toshiki due to his military history. Don gives the former soldier all of the volunteer jobs that nobody wants. But the boss has problems of his own. Don's wife, Laura, died of cancer last year. So he's trying to pick up the pieces and remarry. Soon, Toshiki and Don become close friends.

Miyukizi Akita

Age: 600 (But looks 23)

    Miyukizi is Don's secretary. She is an elegant tenshi-chi. Miyukizi loves Don but he never notices her. She tries to keep the peace between Toshiki and Don.

Annabel Linn

Age: 29

    Annabel is Don's crush. She is drop-dead gorgeous. Guys throw themselves at her feet. But she doesn't notice them, not even Don. Annabel just goes on with her life.