Rotten Day
Sky fell back onto the dirt ground of the Kong Studios graveyard. “This
day was horrible!” he thought as he looked up at the rainy stars.
day was worse than an unexpected typhoon hitting an island. He sighed
as he began to recall the disastrous events that plagued him through
*:*Flashback begins*:*
His day started on the wrong foot when the boy lost his favorite
knife. “Dad!” Sky yelled in Korean. “Yea Sky.” the father said back.
you seem my knife?” the boy asked. “Haven’t seen it since you left
the dad answered. That was not what Sky wanted to hear. “Damn! It
like I’m going to have to find it on my own!” he thought. “Uh…
anyway Dad.” Sky said. “Sure.” the dad said. Then the boy left.
Sky was walking along the dirt road to the city. He remembered coming
way with his knife. “I really wanted to show Noodle my knife!”
thought. He was so deep in his thought that the boy wasn’t watching
he was going. Soon….WHAM! Sky hit a wooden light post. “Oww.” he
in pain as he fell on his bottom. Sky looked up and saw the post. He
completely stupid. Sky would usually curve around the post. But he went
smack dab into it. The boy just shook his head, got up, and headed on.
As Sky headed to the city, the rain came. The boy just looked up and
going. He was used to rain. But then, it started pouring. Sky became
So he picked up the pace and ran.
Sky made it to a candy store. He was panting hard. Once he caught his
Sky looked around. He thought that a little shoplifting would make him
feel better. So the boy continued on in.
All was going dandy. No security cameras were in sight and the clerk
asleep. Things were starting to go well. But then, the clerk woke up
saw Sky. “Hey you! You have money to pay for that?!?” the clerk yelled.
Sky looked up and became nervous. “I’ve been caught!” he
The boy would have been if he hadn’t ran out of the store with the
The clerk chased after him. “Come back here with that!!!” he yelled.
Sky finally escaped the clerk and ran down an alley. He was soaking wet
and panting hard. “What’s wrong today?” the boy thought. “Trouble
is just following me!” He reached into his pockets for candy. Only
two pieces of the loot were left. “Crap!” Sky thought miserably.
But he decided to feast on what he had. Soon, Grrrr. Sky looked up.
said he. Grrrr. The sound grew louder. Two glairing yellow eyed
Sky grew nervous. He never comes down this alley. Now he remembered
The boy started backing off. A huge big dog sprung forward. Sky
and fled. The dog gave to the chase. “This is that dog’s alley!!!”
Sky thought as he ran from the dog.
The dog chased Sky to Kong Studios. The boy was about to do a happy
He quickly ran through the gates to the door…. only to find that no one
was home. Sky banged his head up against the door. His day was ruined.
So Sky went out to graveyard and lied down.
*:*Flashback Ends*:*
“My day was rotten!” the boy thought. Then Sky looked and saw
standing over him under an umbrella looking at him. “My sweet angel.”
said. “(Bad day, huh)?” Noodle asked. “Yep.” said Sky. He just sighed,
got up, and followed her into Kong Studios.
End (For Now!)