Sending the Pain
    I don’t know nani it is. But Shizuma is being cruel to me. When he looks sad, I try to help him. But when I do that, Shizuma yells at me and flies off. I feel so sad when he does that. Naze is he pushing away?
    I push Yuki away every chance I get. But the more I do it, the more my pain grows. It’s as if I’m drowning. Drowning in my darkness. Drowning.
    Though we sit close to each other, we rarely speak. The silence kills me. I want to say something but I can’t. He is suffering greatly. I feel so powerless. All I can do is watch him suffer in silence. Grrr!!! Damnit!!! I should be able to help him!
    I don’t know how much longer I can hold Yuki off. I yearn to grasp him in my arms and hold him tight forever. But I can’t. I don’t want to kill Yuki. I don’t want him to die!
    I was walking back to the Fujita House when my pain came again. It shot me like a sniper bullet. At first I could deal with it. But now, the pain had gotten a whole lot worse. I needed blood.
    I was walking home when I saw my beloved in agony. I had to save him. So I rushed over to him. “Dozo don’t let me be too late!” I thought.
    I made it to him just in time. I put my hard to his shoulder. “Shizuma!” I breathed out. “Are you all right?” He looked out up at me. His eyes were a faint aka. “I’m fine!” my savior yelled. “Just leave me alone damnit!!!” Then he got up and flew away.
    I stood there in sympathy. I was yet again powerless to help Shizuma. How could I be so weak? “Shizuma….” I thought. I sank to my knees. I was powerless. Nai! I will not lose! I will save him at any cost!
    I stood up strong. “Shizuma!” I thought. “Hold on! I’ll save you!
Fight for Love!