1 20 2001 - a reflection
As i try to conquer these feelings of remorse, regret, and sorrow, a feeling of unconfronted euphoria passes by. Last chance to change myself. I wish it was that easy. Instead, i end up ripping my head apart and contemplating my position starting this forever rat race into eternity. Or at least what is my own destiny. Hah, destiny. it's what you make it, right? Just wish it was easier to be the kind of person i want and not what i see when i look in the mirror. Contemplation of contentment. Where is the satisfactory submission? Sacrifices made to these false hopes pile up, so its hard to walk through. Ahh, life's little mysteries. I must be taking them for granted.
Hate is an outlet, and the doorway is getting crowded. Too bad it doesn't solve any problems.
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