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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
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making enemies one motherfucker at a time.


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I draw them on wreckless,
Etched in,
Scratched in like resurrection.
Your sins are killing you, you bet they'll get me too.
I've got to give some to get some.

Mining in the river standing in the rain.
Down on your knees while you heave at the drain.

You can lead a whore to water and you can bet she'll drink and follow orders.
And I said, "Is this what you wanted?"
"Is this what you needed?"
Give it some more time.

Tonight I'm going to a party, but it's already started without me.
I aced philosophy and mastered the art of spiritual phase.
I've got to give some to get some.

The disco ball spins away another year.
I wish you a broken heart and a happy new year.

You can lead a whore to water and you can bet she'll drink and follow orders.
And I said, "Is this what you wanted?"
"Is this what you needed?"
Give it some more time.
Some more time.

Where would you fear would you be?
How the fuck can I please and then clean?

Only three words come to mind [true till death].
Pray when you did what you said.
Death makes you kneel at the great.
All I had to say I did say.
When all you do is scream at the drain.

You can lead a whore to water and you can bet she'll drink and follow orders.
And I said, "Is this what you wanted?"
Cunt,"Is this what you needed?"

Give it some more time.


working list of personal goals:

completely open mind

living contentedly "in the moment" (not looking forward to the future or relying on the past for happiness)

complete self-reliance and self-sufficiency

acceptance of bodily limitations/intellectual lack of boundaries

persuit of creative and artistic (yet thought-provoking) product

pass the buck.

If i was jesus, could i sell my wounds?

clap your hands and call me your slave...


37 Diary Entries
Entry Date
mid journey re-evaluation 12/18/2001
"don't act like you don't want me." 12/17/2001
Rock my body, baby. 12/13/2001
disillusionment 12/11/2001
looking to find myself in all the wrong places 12/9/2001
inbred atrophy 12/7/2001
12/4/01 12/4/2001
consummating breeds consumption 12/3/2001
pretty words are the devil y'all. 11/28/2001
kinda, i want to. 11/27/2001
big bad ambiguous paradigm. 11/18/2001
impalpablility 11/14/2001
Rotting intentions/Propendent lanciname 11/12/2001
Carcinogenesis. 11/8/2001
feasting on the afterbirth 11/1/2001
make me hate you 10/29/2001
utter insignificance. 10/24/2001
prolongation. 10/22/2001
word. to your mother, that is. 10/18/2001
another excuse 10/16/2001
this message brought to you by.... 10/13/2001
poetry sucks. 10/10/2001
continuing the search for inner intelligence 10/10/2001
too long for you to care about. 10/9/2001
a look into "no sympathy nite". 10/7/2001
a haiku. (now multiple) 10/5/2001
that's mister asshole to you. 10/4/2001
life's just one big metaphor. 10/3/2001
10/2/01 10/2/2001
Entries : 8 - 37 of 37
first seven entries

[new diary]

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