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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
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previous entry : the joke's on next entry: life's just one big metaphor.

10/2/01 10/2/2001

i gave her a year of my life.

"i need to move on..."

so when did our friendship become a phase?

"'re making it hard for me..."

thirteen months. the worst part is realizing how much i actually care(d) for her.

"i don't think i want to even be around you anymore."

i can't pretend that i know what to do. or what to think. i don't even know how to move on. i'm just so sick of feeling like shit.

the sad thing is i didn't love her. she didn't love me. i was using her. but she decided to make me the enemy.

so now i sit back and wait...

i wait for the sexual assault. i wait for her husband to beat her. i wait for the only person she ever cares about to leave her...

i can imagine him telling her that she was simply the decoy so he could hit on her friend. i'm sorry, is that your heart i'm stepping on? let me sqeeze that last bit of blood out first..

but in all honesty, there's no hard feelings.

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why is it superficial to be happy about being loved? maybe you shouldn't criticize other people out of jealousy [3rd time's a charm]

Of course not.


Yeah, s1ck, maybe you shouldn't criticize.

Heh. But seriously. This is a beautifully disturbing entry. Sometimes you've got to peel your heart off the sidewalk, brush off the grit, maybe rinse it with warm, soapy water..

I know that now because of you. Yours, [SaladinCham]

I know a lot of people who could have written this. Maybe not in the same way or not using the same words...but sometimes on this...OD thing...I play a game with myself pretending to figure out if I know diarists in real life or not. And I read entries and I think...that sounds like so-and-so.

pointless observation.

[pinko commie bastard]

why would you tell me to do something like that? just b/c of one day? life isnt worth throwing aweay, sounds like you just want attention, get yourself some help [FoRgoTtEnBLiSs]

this was an interesting entry. I really have nothing to say... sorry. Take care and thanks for the note, peace. [TearsBled]

hey, why would i make myself throw up? thats something i wouldnt try and see the worst in everything, try and look at life in a better way.......not everyone is against you [FoRgoTtEnBLiSs]

That was a really touching entry, i dont understand what everyone else is critizing you about. Whats the point of these diaries if everyone has a fit about what we say. And no my dog didnt, but disgustinly she did once before...hugs [ForeverMe]

jesus, u sound like my ex [Angel Spark]

"hit me with some type of inner reflection, hit me with something that could possible make me take you seriously, hit me with more of youre self described reasons, i can tell you all you are and all you ever will be is a joke." thought maybe youd like that heh heh, music is the key to getting through anything right? antigravity3418

that was beautiful...... [lost_soull]


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