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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
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previous entry : feasting on the afterbirth next entry: Rotting intentions/Propendent lanciname

Carcinogenesis. 11/8/2001
Does your god come in a capsule to sedate you?

These nerves feel heavy on the tongue, a plague eating away the rotting flesh from the inside. To find harbor indoors from the bitter air and even worse population as the days turn shorter and death crunches under your footsteps.

The birth machine called humanity, sweating and grunting and ejecting the fetus we label hypocrisy. Let’s see what the little flesh grows up to be.


The root of insecurities.

A cancer that consumes free will.

Sell me your savior, I’ll take what I can get.

Numbed on a mind alteration, I break down into primal elements. Vital fluids squeeze through ducts in this vessel transporting a weak and childish soul through the shifting bowels of life.
So mortality is finding a place, a middle ground between bestial cravings and philosophical enlightening, and this structure of reality is a never-ending perfection of symmetry. A game with no winner. A maze with no finish.

So what makes human life so exceptional?

It’s my goddamn sixty dollar watch, beotches.

previous entry : feasting on the afterbirth next entry: Rotting intentions/Propendent lanciname
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...very vivid and beautiful... [7 year bitch]

Sell you my savior? How honestly are you searching? You do seem serious about keeping your mind open... [rebecc]

I'll sell you my savior for that sixty dollar watch. Salvation often comes in threes or multiples of threes. And here I always lose watches.

Are they selling Buddy Christs yet? I think the irony would make you smile. If they do I'm going to send you one for your birthday so you can put it in your car. *wink* Yours, [SaladinCham]

lol! your watch? haha ok yeah.... u have a watch fetish too? anyways.. i really like your diary. and quit deleting my notes..

or have i left notes here before? [dearpanic]

you and your friends are always talking about god and with questions, instead of always wondering, why dont you go to church and look for you answers instead of every f*cked up person telling you what they think. Since i dont believe in him, i am not going to comment, and are you twisted? seriously, 'kill yourself then tell me' that seems to me like you would be. sorry for the bitchyness [amber*]

like your diary. not good at advice. but wanted to leave a note that's nice.

P.S. THey are selling buddy christ. I have a key chain of him on my backpack.


Gothic2win man.

Religious people amuse me to the point of vomiting.

[Halcyon Rising]

*****Intresting OD. Please, write me and tell me how you desigend it.***** [Jack-N-Coke]

I dunno about capsules, but I've had a tablet or two I could have sworn was 'come of the gods'


YOUR GOING TO HELL! [lost_soull]

um... [~top totty~]

yeah, you are going to hell. my god comes to me thru herbal teas. that and injections straight into the scrotum. sorry for this inane note. [hellzapoppin]

mwaha. that's right, you're going to hell.

but with if there's really a god like theirs and a heaven like this theirs, is there no other option?

and i say deliver me from false pretences. [cathartic]

tear the walls down, headless prison, cannibals chew to consume you, bring the alien.

...they called her fetus, we called her sydney...and i called her breakfast. yum... [Undertow371]

word [maddieblaylock]


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