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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
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utter insignificance. 10/24/2001

so today, another analytical day of questions.

where you realize that teeth are simply bone fragments jutting through flesh to crush the daily intake.

where whores come in every shape, size, age, gender, race, and species.

so i weave in and out of the crowds of drones. indentured servants to our manufactured gods. the clock on the building, every quarter hour chiming those dreaded syllables of torture that punctures down to the roots of our being. we're slaves to routine...

to fitting in.

make money to enthrall our own vanity - look good to feel good.

tattoos. condoms. wristwatches. earrings. scented water.

show off our insecurities.

fuck away our sins.   (wash me clean with bodily fluids.)

so i'll shade these eyes with dead cell protein while we walk down the path of normality.

i'm not fat. i'm not thin. i'm not unique.

i'll speak only in salutations.

i'll have a life goal. a career.

i'll look away while you walk by. i'll give you the upper hand...

go ahead, if it makes you feel better.

should i have a significant other? should i worry about who to empty this semen into every night?

will that make me more popular?

give me friends. give me nice clothes. give me more money.

i'll take what i can get.

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So many questions. No answers here.

If you do discover the meaning of life...can you please let me know what it is? [star-flower-a]

If you see the Buddha in the road, run him over. [Kaisy]

...and then back up and run over him again.


and I liked your comment about the devils being angels drowning. That was rather lovely.


yes, well-put. but come on, give the unique ones a chance. i'm sure that there is someone just like everyone else out there, like we all have our own little twin. but at least some people try. oh yeah, was there actually a question there? yeah, glassjaw is kickin [Undertow371]

2 friends, one says to the other, if i was a chick, id be the biggest whore i know. and the other replies, well youre a guy and you're STILL the biggest whore I know.... [in tethers]

life is just a rat race

the goal is to be totally oblivious

no matter what place your in

youre gonna get to the finish line

bc we all have to end it sometime

and whether first or last, are you winning? [bleedingme34]

Very true. So true. And you forgot teenyboppers in your list.

Hugs from koko. [black/pink]

I think what disturbed me the most about this entry was the whole "wash me clean with body fluids" thing. I read that and got chills. Don't be confused, though. I love it love it love it.

Yours, [SaladinCham]

RYN 'siren' - ironically, the people who believe in love thot it romantic, i saw it as partially delusional..................that perception thing again [in tethers]

they don't need to diagnose me as evil for me to know what i am. . heh. . .

i take you where you wanna go

i give you all you need to know

i drag you down i use you up

MR. SELFDESTRUCT [Fragile Secrets]

You let me do this to you [Fragile Secrets]

ryn; re: wandering, if i cant handle it, well .......

maybe thats why courtney said "I fake it so real I am beyond fake".........


[in tethers]

those are some questoins that i wonder about too. havent found any answers yet and i probably wont for a very long time. be a sweetie and if you find out any of the answers to those questions dont hold out but let me know. [amber*]

should i worry about who to empty this semen into every night?

Godammit. That is spectacular you know. I enjoy your observations, it's good to know that someone knows the truth. [Tom Mix]

You piece brings to mind a sci-fi type scenario of smiling, well dressed, chirping high school students who are really androids, with wires and chips instead of hearts and souls.
But on a more positive note, if we have some sort of global economic collapse, it might help straighten out our priorities. [xouxou]

I already think you are popular, you have so many followers it seems. Does that make you squirm inside your skin, to so apparently fit in?

RYN: "Squealing bits of flesh", well said. [And Its A Mess]

thank you s1ckend for pointing out that life is completely pointless...... [lost_soull]

Regarding yer note: the twinkly tree lights were precious actually. But don't take my word for it. [Tom Mix]

There is no one path everyone should follow. What works for you may not work for them, and vice versa. But we shouldn't try to make it any other way. Let other people live the way they like and you live your life the way you want, for truly, no one way is more valid than the other is. Be true to yourself and you won’t have to worry what all the other people are doing. [Sinister Sponge]

wow. i'm impressed. i like your descriptions, they're very good. :) [stellarvortex]

life is kool, don't knock other people's happiness [*Special*K*]

ryn re: dream, the first part is a poem, very heavily image laden. the rest i thot life intruding into dreams....

[in tethers]

bahahaha, okay, this note is in regards to a previous note. I find it funny how someone can come in here and say 'life is "kool" - don't knock other people's happiness". ... sooo many things I could say about that. But I promised my therapist I wouldn't.

and ryn: meh, I have no problem with stalking. it's healthy. But what in the blue hell is franco-american pasta? [ExtremeParadox]

That picture of Mr. J.F.Christ playing baseball has him frozen in his most dynamic at-bat stance, hunched over with a plank of wood, ready for the ball, ready for the strike of salvation. [Tom Mix]

So....Daine...howsit goin? [~top totty~]

Do you think I could get away with trade marking odd noises then? ;)

[Razor Blade Smile]

thanks for your note, i know what you mean and i'm scared that it'll end up like that :( hehz.. anyway, keep cool, ;P [stellarvortex]

If you buy me a plane ticket, I'll come and live with you. We can be hateful of each other while clinging like frightened children to the insecurities that we share. Humbled by unimportance and empowered by a cynicism that's ugly and impotent. Hate written in a beautiful way makes for good english courses. So let's start a life together filled with that grotesque passion. You know you wanna. [pinko commie bastard]


and that's all i have to say right now.


i am your friend. when i get old, try my friends. they are THE GOODS. i do not say this lightly. i say this because they are in point of fact, THE GOODS [maddieblaylock]


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