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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
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previous entry : inbred atrophy next entry: disillusionment

looking to find myself in all the wrong places 12/9/2001
(dreams weren’t made for me.)

Picture yourself waking up late for your wedding. At any point in time, you are faced with choices- walking down an aisle that signifies a great commitment and intertwined connection with another human being...

…or stay in bed and hope to never wake again.

Ahh, conscious existence will be the death of me.

Lucky bloodloss, deep seeded self hatred, based on...what?

I’ll speak only about things pertaining to your interests.

Rotting in this jail-cell state of mind, waiting for a cake in a spoon...

(Goddamn these righteous hands.)

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there's a difference between death and sleeping forever and never waking up [cathartic]


walk down the aisle... kick the groom in the nuts, grab the cake and run. [Close Your Eyes]

Conscious existence. Who the fuck needs it? [troublegum]

*not the world's most convincing nihilist* [troublegum]

marriage...hmmm..ok ..uhmm..still thinkin..uhmmm ...yeah, who the hell would want that? if my happiness was solely dependent on another person, id have to say, id be screwed.... [bleedingme34]

Mmmmm cake! [pinko commie bastard]

ryn: if you don't think dreams can be inappropriate, try some of that shit in the waking world & see how it changes your life, boy.


would definatly pick the staying in bed and never waking again. although i really dont know, i say ide do this but when it really came down to it i dont know! why what would you do? sleep or walk? [amber*]

mmmmm... cake ~~~~~ [TheGreenMan]

i am not so scared

they killed them in front of me enough times for me to KNOW

you are more important to me than me

if that's pathetic

keep on slinging mud

my god isn't on the cross tonight

jesus wasn't God where i'm from (deep southern) hey imply away-i'm awake [maddieblaylock]


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