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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
Location: -
previous entry : kinda, i want to. next entry: consummating breeds consumption

pretty words are the devil y'all. 11/28/2001
these days
when parasites rest and water turns acidic
where the nighttime savior hangs low in the east sky, with balloons and diamonds

blowing smoke rings a million miles wide

that’s where he’ll be waiting
behind the masquerading night with eerie midnight glow
of this eternal body.

separate those thoughts of malice and the feel of open wounds
embracing severance, almighty scars
revealing these most sacred of inner lacerations.


previous entry : kinda, i want to. next entry: consummating breeds consumption
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That last part does seem like the order of things. [Kaisy]

Waiting, anticipating, masquerading. It's what I like best about you. Yours, [SaladinCham]

humdrummmmm.wrapped in chaotic order...? [blood child]

I like that 3rd line--Pennywise the Clown? Enjoyed your note about crippled Santa Claus. Can't wait to horrify the niece with tales of legless St. Nick dragging himself up the walk on Xmas Eve...


I like that last section [alithea]

*adds to favourites*

I have a new addiction. [troublegum]

i, also, am syphilis. nice to meet you. i must agree on the propriety of your last three lines. funny how the specter of her remains, withering away, as the new and improved him hunts younger prey.

that wasn't supposed to rhyme, but i guess that's how it turned out. such a dork am i. [Antithesis to Blue]

nuclear bomb to the mushroom of fate

*Hugs from koko*


i hate cheese doodles so f*cking much ~~~~~ [TheGreenMan]

i know from that

bone simple thing that i am

wrote that girl getter and whoosh

the girl part cometh

here she is

still shinging [maddieblaylock]


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previous entry : kinda, i want to. next entry: consummating breeds consumption

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