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Embracing Negativity
by s1ckend
Location: -
previous entry : Carcinogenesis. next entry: impalpablility

Rotting intentions/Propendent lanciname 11/12/2001
Simple truths - where thoughts go spinning, interchanging from imagination to reality and back again with pure precision. Ideas and unknown epiphanies sting with their frequent occurrences.

So this way of life is a little unproductive.
Yet the loss of sleep over the subject seems questionable at best.


What about a future?
Never knew I needed one.


Something to believe in; something worth holding onto?
Nah, computer games do that.
The complete illusion of self-dependency.


Those eyes, that smell.
tasting the air around that beautiful face.
So now the pain interferes with a once cherished memory. Anticipation replaced by sutures.
Could I be happier?

lacerate this flesh with reminders of you -
To keep me from opening for business again.

Take out those frustrations and make me feel something.

previous entry : Carcinogenesis. next entry: impalpablility
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cherished memories are always ruined, thats why i decided not to treasure any memories because something is going to come along and ruin them. again im sorry for the note before! [amber*]

I liked this.


i like your whole attitude and journal. it's different.

ryn: true, but it was not your expectations i was trying to meet. i have trouble staying in the first/second/third person no matter who i am writing about. my mind races way too fast for me to make any sense. people pretend they comprehend it. i love them for that. [fear.of.dying]

are any truths (if there are any) simple? [I Hate Myself]

some truths are simple. not everthing resolves to brilliant deductions. Like taking the SATs, and you have a two step question and whalaa there is the answere "WAIT NO THIS IS THE SAT! THE ANSWERE CAN'T BE FOUND IN JUST TWO STEPS" so you change the answere... ends up your first answere was right... same thing with life, Not exactly "if it feels good do it" not everything is soul searching, some...

times the truth is just there and always has been. People just don't like that truth so they search for something else... But who am I to say for the only intelligence I have is "derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

god i wish open wounds were easy to close, why do people enjoy ripping them open over and over and over!


uh... [~top totty~]

wow... you know me... you really know me ;)

i feel you in my head! wait a minute... nope that wasn't it [Magnilia]

I feel something.



lacerating things has always been fun, like that time we got that preacher and a i didnt think it would be that color did you??? [bleedingme34]

ok almighty in the process of building a statue of you.. once im done i'll light some candles and i'll pray to it in hopes that you'll enlighten me and guide me throught your soul-less path..

haha ok nevermind. [dearpanic]

Very well put. [star-flower-a]

no really..kick ass diary. u should meet Euthanasia.. i think she is your long lost sister. [dearpanic]

liked the sound effects. [Kaisy]

wow [alithea]

Too many notes.

Splat. [Misconceived.]

Liked the sound effects, too. Dunno about the ka-blam, though.


Symptoms include runny nose, blurred vision, chest pain, and complete thermonuclear meltdown.
[Starhawk] say you would thrust inside me with my fairey wings on...but what about my turquise wig?

...could you handle that hallucination?

we could go down the rabbit hole and have a peyote tea are invited, my friend. *wink wink* [7 year bitch]

Powerful stuff. It'd be even better if you could fucking swear in all the notes. [troublegum]

do you want MEAN me? [maddieblaylock]


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previous entry : Carcinogenesis. next entry: impalpablility

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