


Webster gives this definition of fashion, "The prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior - Something, such as a garment, that is in the current mode".  Notice that fashion is not constant.  It changes face ever so often.  To fully understand everything that will be said in this section, you can read the article "The Shame of Nakedness" at your convenience.  Fashion is a pro- player in the pursuit of beauty, a complementary factor, an integral piece that completes the image of beauty.  Beauty is not constant.  It fluctuates, and fashion follows suit.  Sad to say, the Christian church follows suit as well.  Let us look at the fashion of God in Genesis 3:21.  Adam and eve made themselves aprons to cover their nakedness, leaving much of their skin exposed.  And God said, "no."  Just like any good parent, He might have said something like, "where do you think you are going in that?"  The apron did not meet God's fashion standard, so he made them coats.  The coats covered their entire body, their nakedness.

The devil, the head fashion designer, is undressing everyone who seek the fashion of this world.  Influenced by the devil, whether consciously or ignorantly, these fashion designers fit their new designs on silhouettes before they are released.  Silhouettes are mannequin.  This is done to see how much sex appeal their new design will add to the wearer, and how much fabric can be removed without exposing too much of those areas that should be totally covered.  Creating what we know as a tease.  For example, splits in the skirts and dresses exposing the leg as a woman strides.  Whether you were aware of it, dear sister, you are aiding the devil in creating a stumbling block for your brothers.  The same effect is created when low and v-neck dresses and blouses are worn.  This should not be.  Now that your eyes are open, repent and purge your wardrobe of such apparels.  The devil wants to rob man of every thread of dignity, by undressing us in a delicate and gradual process.  Patience and care are exercised to camouflage his perverted objective.  The devil was successful in spiritually undressing Adam and Eve, but that was not enough.  He wanted to remove the clothes off their backs as well.  And you know what, he is doing it to this world by employing fashion and the pursuit of beauty.

Let us make a comparison with the fashion of God (coats) and the fashion of this world.  God's fashion covers the entire body.  From the neck to the ankle.  From the shoulders to the wrist. No flesh is exposed in God's plan.  Dear reader, do you wear close-fitting short sleeves blouses and dresses, close fitting v-neck blouses and dresses, dresses and skirts that are a little above or below the knee, skirt and dresses with splits, clothes that show off your breasts, hips and butt.  If your answer is yes, then you have sacrificed the holy for perverted apparels.  The process is subtle, just like the growing of grass.  You will never see it happening until it is too lake.  Just read the study on, "The shame of nakedness" to see how the devil have been exposing our nakedness to our shame.  The body is beautiful, and pleasing to the eyes of married couples.  But nakedness that is exposed in public as beauty, is pure slackness.  Deco Drive announced that skin is in and we should go as bear as we dear.  Following such an announcement, the forces of evil employed the trend setters, the celebrities, to manipulate public opinion in accepting this morally disturbing trend as the new face of beauty. 

 Are we speaking out against it as Christians?  No, not as we should.  We have gotten so conditioned and accustomed to seeing cleavage and much skin that most of us have accepted such styles as normal and even dare to defend and justify its adoption as ok.

Consider the consequences of embracing fashion to achieve an attractive status by reading the article   "Dress Reform"

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