Desensitized to the shame of nakedness

Desensitized to the shame of nakedness

The Devil knows that if he can confuse our understanding on biblical principles or redefine heresies then he can condition man over time to accept nakedness.

For example, the word nude was introduced to represent a state of expression. However, by itself it was weak. Therefore, it was accompanied by the “place specific” argument. The understanding was that an individual could express him or her self in a nude orientation if situated at a location reserved for such expressions.

Consider an art class. One day a young woman walks into an art class with a long robe covering her entire body, and then she removes the robe, sits on a stool and exposes her nakedness. The woman has nothing on. The first reaction from the students is, “Wow, there is a naked woman sitting before us.” However, the professor  jumps in and silences the natural response of the students towards nakedness by explaining that the woman is nude. The professor continues by explaining that in the classroom, the woman is an object of art. Look beyond the woman and behold an object of art. She is no different than a fruit, vase or any other object that you have used your artistic eye and skill to reproduce on paper. Friends this is pure madness. Knowing that such activity is carried out in some art class, it is a mystery why the parents allow the school to implement such practice and even allow their children to be subjected to such social slackness.

This is one of the ways in which the devil desensitizes this nation to the shame of nakedness. The mind is conditioned to view nakedness in any degree as personal expression. Let us consider the beach. This is a location where the place specific argument is widely accepted by many. However, based on the standard of God listed above, beach attire is nakedness. And Leviticus 18 admonishes us not to look upon the nakedness of anyone apart from our spouse.

Beach and Water Parks
Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” The sad reality is that many who profess Christianity are conforming to the things of this world. Consider these analogies.

1. A father came home from work and finds his 18-year-old daughter walking around the house in her bra and panty in the presence of John the next-door neighbor. Naturally, the father is fuming, he commands that his daughter gets dressed and he tells John never to come over again when he is not there, if ever again. 

2. A young man is in the neighborhood of his friend, so he decides to pay his friend a surprise visit. His friend’s wife walks out the bedroom in her bra and panty not knowing that they had company. She screams and takes cover when she realizes that they were not alone.

In the presence of only one, in the privacy of their own home, these individuals felt the shame of nakedness and the innate reaction to take cover. However, the devil whisper to those same individuals and convinces them that a bra and panty is acceptable attire if worn at the right location. Therefore, many feel perfectly fine exposing themselves to hundreds at the beach and water park. 

Let us take a woman off the beach, in her two-piece (bra and panty) and place her downtown in a business environment. She would probably get arrested for indecent exposure. This world is so corrupted, in that, if I want to see my friends wife or my young sister in a bra and panty (naked), or a one piece, all I have to do is visit Wet N’ Wild, the beach or a pool party. Many women find it very hard to wear a two-piece to the beach. But after the first and second experience they create for themselves a new normality. A world where walking around half naked on the beach is acceptable. 

David, a man after God’s own heart, transgressed God’s law by viewing a young woman in a state of nakedness (II Samuel 12:2). The powerful impact of nakedness on man's carnal nature is so compelling, that wise men will take every step to avoid such sights if at all possible.  Prostitutes understands that phenomena very well, thus explaining their method of  advertisement.  Since body image is everything in this perverted world, tight form fitting clothe was employed to accentuate their endowments and curves.  Second, and with greater intensity, is the tease factor that is created by half exposed flesh that should be totally covered.  Midnight Angels as they are ironically called, are capitalizing on the carnality of man by wearing such attire.  The Bible in its completeness covers this subject in Proverbs 7:10 and it reads - "And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtle of heart."

Disturbingly, this marketing method was adopted and embraced by almost the entire female population.  Some woman are selling sex by exposing their body on a sophisticated level.  Meaning, they might not carry the title prostitute, but the end result is the same - seduction and intercourse.  Some of these women are lawyers, doctors, teachers, professors, bankers and so on.  In fact, many are professed Christians.  Yes, Christians, young and old, and even in the house of God they are wearing the attire of an harlot.  Have mercy!!  Do you know dear reader that such apparels are outlawed in the prisons.  No mini's, form fitting, low cut or sleeveless blouses are allowed when visiting inmates.  However, in the house of God, any thing seems to go.  Friends, if it is not for sale, take the sign down.

It is plain that God wants most of our flesh covered. Leviticus abounds with warnings against uncovering the "nakedness" of people (Lev. 18), because this sign of intimacy was only for legitimate, lawful marriage partners. It is no compliment to a person's spirituality that they wear revealing fashions, go mixed swimming, or in other ways flaunt their nakedness. Modesty is always in style (I Tim. 2:9). Conversely, formfitting dresses, gauchos and pants, and various forms of nakedness as "swim suits," shorts, sun suits, bare chests, slit skirts, mini skirts, unbuttoned shirts and blouses, etc., send a message about wrong inner character. Why would anyone professing Christ appear in a state of dress that Scripture associates with a fallen nature, drunkenness, demon possession, debauchery, degradation, idolatry, loose morals, being a prisoner, being carnal and shameful?  For fallen man, nakedness is a moral problem, and God provided coats of skin to cover his nakedness.

Deception is progressive.  Compromise and justification, where the word of God is concerned, are like cancer.  They grow and grow until they destroy and pervert conscience, judgment and reasoning. As the malaria of sin sweeps across this perverse nation, the place specific mentality eventually gave birth to nude beaches. The plan of the devil is not to undress us at once, for we would not let him.  So he starts with splits in the skirt and dress, then mini skirts were introduced, then sleeveless, then v-neck or low cut blouses, shorts and “wear on the hip jeans.” Eventually, the devil, the fashion designer of this world came out with an announcement on Deco Drive  that "skin is in" and “go as bare as you dare” fashions are the trend for 2000. The devil is trying to strip us of every thread of dignity and most of us have allowed him to do just that.  

How do we regain our dignity and cover our nakedness?
Jesus is the answer friend. When we allow Him to live out His life within us we will wear a coat and not an apron. We will not wear sleeveless. We will not wear skirts and dresses that covers only the thigh, hanging a little way below the knee, but one that covers the entire leg (loins to the ankle).

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