The Infamous Letter of Willie Lynch |
The Chess Game of Willie Lynch |
"Gentlemen, I greet you here on the bank of the James River in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twelve. First, I shall thank you, the gentlemen of the Colony of Virginia, for bringing me here. I am here to help you solve some of your problems with slaves. Your invitation reached me on my modest plantation in the West Indies, where I have experimented with some of the newest and still oldest methods of control of slaves. Ancient Rome would envy us if my program is implemented.
Strategy Five. Bull whip the Black man in front of the woman and child until he gives up his will to resist. This leaves the woman feeling alone, unprotected by him, with his image destroyed. The ordeal will cause her to move from her psychological dependent state to a frozen independent state. In this frozen psychological state of independence, she will in turn raise her male and female offspring in reversed roles. For fear of the young male's life, she will psychologically train him to be mentally weak and dependent, but physically strong. Because she has become psychologically independent, she will train her female offspring to be psychologically independent.
Strategy Seven. The best way to deal with the phenomena is to shave their mental history and create a multiplicity of phenomena of illusions, so that each illusion will twirl in its own orbit, something similar to floating balls in a vacuum. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control. Use them. Have your wives and your children use them. Never miss an opportunity. If used intensely for one year, the slaves themselves will remain perpetually distrustful." ~Willie Lynch Willie Lynch was a White supremacist who understood the use of principles, to cripple the minds of African slaves, and their descendants, to keep them out of the mainstream. The biblical principle, "As a man thinks he is in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7) was used as the primary seed to produce good crop in the White race, and bad crop in the Black race. His plan seemed fail proof because principles don't change, but they change people. And to cause a nation of people to think that they were born under-achievers is masterful, when you get them to accept it as a truth. For whatever we do in life, we will act like what we believe, even though we don't know that what we believe about ourselves is not true. Breaking the spirit of him of dark skin, by chain and whip domination, caused him to submit his mind to the control of his White counterparts. Whatever they said or did was right in his eyes, for in his mind he didn't know where he was, or where he came from, to understand where he was going in life. Keeping him ignorant would keep him from reading the map that would lead to his freedom. When he gave up his will to fight for a better life from within, Complacency USA became his home, where he lost hope of ever being a high achiever by lawful means. He passed this thinking down to his sons and his daughters, who have kept the orbiting cycle going for hundreds of years, which Lynch calculated to last to year 2712, unless a phenomena occurred with an antidote to reverse his formula. Later came the KKK as White power, with men hiding behind sheets, to keep others from recognizing their faces, as they burned the cross on lawns and burned down homes where it stood, and churches were torched killing people inside who gathered to praise and worship the living God, even though it was said that God wanted an Anglo-Saxon, pure, Christian race to surface the earth. But underneath is the truth that it is spiritual in nature, as hatred for Jesus Christ, for the symbols used are representative of Him: Cross-salvation, fire-the Holy Spirit, home-the family, and church-the body of Christ. Mental History Reveals a Box Mentality. Truth was kept from us when it came to uncovering our mental history. The authenticity of The Infamous Letter of Willie Lynch (the Letter), is evidenced by its truth seen in the behavioral patterns of some in both the White and Black races, who have box mentalities-a wrong is accepted as right. I was first partaker of this state of mind. Now it is time to stop being complacent about the issues of LIFE, and start opening some boxes, one at a time. I say this a lot, face it to erase it, and you can't get out of a box, unless you know that you're in.
On December 29, 1995, I was a stranger in a strange city that was windy and cold, having come from sunny California. I was out of my comfort zone with an assignment from God to "write." The second day in Chicago South Side, I was given to read the Letter which looked like it had been handled many times, from its appearance. As I read, it felt like I had a fire burning inside my stomach, and it wasn't a burning ulcer. Then half way down the Letter, I had a vision that I would be used to do a reversal. I pondered what I read, not having a clue how. Time would tell more than I could have ever imagined as I journeyed into the unknown, in search of truth about LIFE, and why I occupied space on Planet Earth. ~Willie Lynch Six months later, at 2:00 A.M., I awoke to words of inspiration, and penned, Life is in the Mind of a Black People, and then 5 other books followed as though I was doing a research project. I saw inside the race from which I came, but didn't know that well having lived in a different world, as a White woman in a Black woman's body. By that I mean I embraced the White culture as my own, denying in part my own existence as a Black woman because I grew up in corporate America. Over time, it became crystal clear what Lynch had done, even to me, as I saw into his methodical chess game, as the great-granddaughter of African and American slaves (descendants of African slavery made slaves in America).
Have you ever seen a trick box given as a gift? You pull out one box, then another, and then another, before you get to the smaller one, as your gift. In a box mentality, you are confined to your own space of thought. You can't see the big picture beyond your nose. You know what you know and no more, although you know so much that ain't so, but don't know it, until you open some box lids. The Tight Lid of "I" and "My." Your mind knows what it knows inside that space, and wants no more unless you're interested in expanding your mind with new information. You're frozen in time. Everything you see and hear will be about you, inside your box of pride that speaks in terms of "I" and "My," and it has a tight lid. The other boxes inside are fear, distrust, envy, laziness, passivity, procrastination, anger, to name a few. You don't want to look at your bad because it hurts too much. So you put yourself in a different light around those you want to impress, for their light you want to project-pretending to be where they are, without paying the price to shine as bright as their bulb. You're blind in mind with a low watt, not able to see beyond your space. But there's hope, if you're willing to deal with your own issues with honesty, and open your lids as they did. When you do, humility will rise, instead of puffed up pride. Humility makes you teachable, when you admit that you don't know what you need to know, to come out of the box. Some boxes are inherited through genes, and others are environmental traits, from seed sowing words. African slavery was a business proposition for the rich, who bought land, and slaves to work the land. Lynch's methodical plan would help them remain wealthy long after slavery was abolished. But some who were not endowed with knowledge or dollars, kept slavery alive-fueling their pride of feeling superior, feeling less than, expressing their basic human nature of a need to control. When you have hated people for so long just because, to stop you're left without a cause to support your existence. But Lynch was right, the mind over a period of time has a desire to recorrect itself, as the Holy Spirit quicken my mind to see his Plan of Dependency. We have to be cut from the umbilical cord of dependency on others to depend on God, as dependency causes laziness. Now the Bible is our instruction, "And it shall come to pass in that day...that the remnant of Israel...will never again depend on him who defeated them. But will depend on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth" (Isaiah 10:20). I was inside this Word. It was personal to me. Life is like a chess game. A drama story. The chess game was in play. The goal of the game was control. The method used was the mind as the playing field. The end result would be passivity as captivity. Passive people don't fight for their rights, and they accept wrong for right without a fight. They offer no resistance to being mistreated, or being dependent on others. It was a chess game of the mind, using the intellect, over-working the emotions, to abuse the will. The intellect would be on the side of the white pieces, and the emotions on the side of the black pieces. The intellect would respond to difficult situations to overcome an issue. The emotions would react during difficult times, making it an issue to overcome. [Who found The Infamous Letter of Willie Lynch, or where it is chronicled is unknown to me. It is reprinted in part here for the subject matter I reference, i.e., The Chess Game of Willie Lynch.]
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