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American Pride

The Americans stood side by side,
Tears streaming down their face.
As they watched with total disbelief,
At what had taken place..

A day of hell in firey depth,
Five thousand maybe more..
Would never see another day,
Never walk along the shores.

We lost three hunderd firefighters,
EMS and police are gone..
They're families are left with such painful grief,
A pain thats so well known.

Our cities may be in chaos..
And yes we have been bruised,
But the battle isn't over...
America will NOT be abused!

We'll pull together, one by one,
A strength like none has seen,
With determination and such pride,
Like there has always been!

Like phoenix from the ashes,
We'll rise from such diversity,
Our strength will be in numbers,
America ALWAYS free!

God bless you all on this sad day,
Remember in your hearts..
The heros lost along the way..
The ones that had to part..

The children, men and women too,
The innocence thats lost..
The lives they took, the hearts that broke,
Tragedy and pain that was caused..

BUT know that we will not stand down,
We'll never run away!
AMERICA is proud and free,

© 2001 Caroline R Harmke
September 14,2001

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