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Having Time With God

I like to take some time with God,
Just him and Me alone.
And maybe even talk to him,
some times about coming home.

Have you ever sat on a mountain top,
and looked off into the sky?
You can almost feel the clouds
as they go floating by

Or maybe sitting in the woods,
just waiting for a deer.
And the sound of squirrels and birds
was all that you could hear.

Or listening to the stillness as you
try to catch a trout.
Spending time just you and God
That's what it's all about.

Just taking time to clear your mind
from all the things in life.
It gives you time to forget
all the toil and strife.

Silence I have gotten wiser in this life
the deer is for beauty,
What I get more of, out there
is pure serenity.

I can sit and talk with God
or just enjoy what he has done.
He has given me shade when I'm hot,
and when cold the sun.

The rain drops on a summer day,
that feels good on my face.
If heaven has this all beat
it must be a beautiful place.

Now when you need some time with God,
and want to leave the grime,
Just go some place, that you love best
and with God spend some time.

God Bless

  Walt Chapman
May 29, 2001

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