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168 died
over 600 wounded

It was 9:02 a.m. when Explosion fill the air,
Then seconds, screaming came from everywhere,
Men, Women, and Children all falling down,
As the Alferd P. Murrah Building
came tumbling to the ground.

But before the smoke could reach the sky
help came from everywhere.
They came in Workclothes, suits, and dresses
no one seemed to care.
Bodies and rubble everywhere
a terrible sight to see.
All the people wanted was
to set the others free.

Children, Moms, Dads, under stones, bodies
covered by the blast.
Many people praying to God for help they ask.
So many broken bodies, all lying on the ground.
Doctors, Nurses, ambulance running all around.

There were Firemen, waitresses, clerks, bankers,
no matter what job they done.
This day in Oklahoma City,
they all worked as one.
Worked hand in hand through the blood
and grime and fears.
No time for rest, they kept working,
with their eyes full of tears.

People walking around in a daze, so many
could not hear
The blast was so intense it even hurt their ears,
people screaming, cars burning, glass falling
It was so pitiful, some just stood and stared.
Even the old elm tree shed its leaves in shame.

There to find bodies, even trained dogs
would try,
sometimes even the dogs you could see
tears in their eyes.
They got excited when a live body they
would find.
Animals like this are just one of a kind.

People came from every walk of life to help
them in pain.
And ninty percent of them, we'll never know
their names.
Help came from all around the World in one
way or another.
God showed that people of every Race, could
surely work together.

This day the world will never forget
The familys, the "Day" still with them yet.
We all wonder why God let this happen,
Some day we'll know, when were with Him
in heaven.

"The Sun of Righteousness shall arise
with healing in his Wings.
"Malachi 4:2"

In Memory
of a Friend
and all others that
went to Heaven that day
Plus all the others that were
hurt in the bombing,
and in the heart
God Bless
You All.

The Lord said: "Today thou shall be wilth me in Paradise"

© Walt Chapman

Started 4/21/98 to 09/02/01

It Happened Again

Oh! Lord it has happened again, only this time almost fifty times worse. We a God fearing Nation should all join hands in prayer, and ask God for help.



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Midi "While You're Sleeping" is used
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© 2001  Bruce DeBoer

Walt Chapman
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