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On This Winter Morning

Went for my walk this morning
In the woods behind my home.
Listen to the birds as they
sang in a beautiful tone.
The frost was on the ground
and the Sun was shining bright.
limbs would crackel as you walk
from the cold chill of the night.

Heard this noise ahead of me
there stood a big Buck Deer.
He didn't try to run away
though he was filled with fear.
As I walked toward him I saw
an Antler hungup in a tree.
knowing Deer can get real mean
I watched him constantly.

Removing the branches from his head
so close I could feel his fur.
When I was through he knelled down
upon his knees as to say, I thank you Sir.
Then off he went into the woods
as Beautiful as he could be.
he stopped looked back just one time
then disappered into the Trees.

Going back to the house I knew
that we may never meet again.
Yet I also knew in my Heart
I just made me a new friend
While going to bed this night
Asking God keep me from harm
Thinking of my new found friend
Ask God to keep him Warm.

© Walt Chapman



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Midi "The New Day" is used
with permission and is
copyright © 2001 Bruce DeBoer
© 2001  Bruce DeBoer

Walt Chapman
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