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Anniversary Again

My Wife said,the other day
Our Anniversary is on the way.
"Said"Oh yes dear I know "I"
just can't remember the day.

it's been so many years now
my how time can take wings
How do they expect us men
to remember all these things.

She'll want to go out to Dinner
then maybe out to "who knows."
Thats when we will wind up
in some weirdo horror show.

The food wasn't bad I guess
for going out on the town.
But time that I start looking
for a place to lay me down.

Hope we all know I'm joking
She's one of the best God Makes.
Also got to keep her around
for those fine pies and cakes.

My wife the one i'm speaking of
can still put a spark in my eye.
And I ask the Lord every night
To let me keep her till I die.

© Walt Chapman



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Midi "She fills my Heart With Love" is used
with permission and is
copyright © 2001 Bruce DeBoer
© 2001  Bruce DeBoer

Walt Chapman
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