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Lord Your Stuck With Me

Lord remember some time ago,
when you took me down the track.
and you said that you were worried,
That I would never be coming back.

Well Lord you have given me reason,
for resentment over the last few years
The little problems with my health,
taking family and leaving me in tears.

But Lord that will never happen to me,
You're just stuck with me like glue.
I will never give up my Love for you,
no matter what's on your mind to do.

Your Son give up his life for all like me,
to save us from our sin's and Hell.
So I'll take whatever you throw at me,
and pray you won't be to hard, as well.

Lord you'll find quite a few like myself,
that still feel the same as I do.
So you might as well get used to it,
your stuck with us like glue.

Author © Walt Chapman

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