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Neighbor Down The Street

A beautiful Angel came to visit,
With my neighbor down the street.
so I ask what she was doing there,
said his life here was complete.

She was taking him up to Heaven,
he would be with our God on high
She lead him to those long steps,
That went far up into the sky.

You could hear them as they went,
fun and laughter that they made.
listen to them till out of site,
while I sit in the cool shade.

felt kind of sadness in my heart,
was an all together different kind.
The sadness wasn't for my neighbor,
But cause that I was left behind.

One of these days I'll climb It,
those big stairs up in the sky.
Up there with neighbor and Angels,
and my God and Savior from on high.

Walt Chapman

Music is We come today by larry's fround @