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Grampa and The Grizzly in Yellowstone

They were having trouble with the big Grizzly Bear.
in the Park. Said that one may have gone mad.
Ole Del,Bart,and I went to see what we could do.
They had told us, do what ever you can, As it will
be up to us.If the bear need to be killed, then do it.

Arriving in the late afternoon,We set up camp in the
area that it had been seen last.We got there a little
before six. in the evening. By the time camp was set
and we had a bite to eat. Everone was getting tired.
Sit by the camp fire a few minutes,With our coffee,
Then off to bed. It wasn't the most restful night I have
ever had. Also for the guys, as ever so often we could
hear the howling of wolves, and the snarling of a bear
in the distance. Sure it was the one we were looking for.
So had made it a little hard to sleep with one eye open,

Well morning comes early in the mountains. and had
breakfast at the crack of dawn. then it was time to go
looking for a killer.The Park was beautiful this time of
year.Early Spring every thing so green, With a patch
of Snow now and then. The day still had a chill in it.
The Rangers and all the folks at the Park wished us well.
Every one was on edge as we had no idea what we were
going to find. Bart was the youngest so he climbed a tree
to the top. Getting an idea of the land lay out, could
see quite aways but no Grizzly. When mad they want to
kill.anything. So had to be on alert at all times.

Finally spotted the Big guy,after about three hours into the
search.he was sitting under a tree. was about seven foot tall
and as ugly as homade soap. He started towards us,but we
noticed he was having a hard time walking and no way
could he run.But was trying, he had jumped are stepped on
a piece of broken limb,it had went right through his foot at
a way that he could not remove it himself.We had been given
a net and a medication in a bullet, called a tranqulizer gun,
to put him out.We had never seen anything like this before.
Being sure this thing given us. was not going to work.We made
sure that are aim was good, and we were far enough away
that we could run.Crazy for when the bullet hit he growled
and groaned for a minute and started to lie down. We took time
to make sure he was out,The boys back Home had given us a
tag to put on his ear, while he was down we removed the limb.
Also put medicine on it. Then got off where we felt safe.
as told the medicine would not last long. Watched for him
to wake as not knowing what to expect.But positive he was
not mad.Soon he was up growling and swing his paws. A little
sore and wobblely I'm sure but not angry anymore.seem more
relieved.then anything.

Were off to camp to enjoy two day in the beautiful mountains.
Maybe even do a little trout fishing in one of the streams.
Then headed back to were we had left our gear at the Park.
The Rangers and all the folks were very happy and gave us
a little party.With some good food and a couple good cold
Beer's Then we headed back to where we came. Our home in ole
Missouri with family.Knowing that the Big Grizzly was just a little
unhappy with life at the moment.
Well friends will be seeing you down the road, till next time
keep it all together. Gramp's & The Boy's

Walt Chapman


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