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Grandpa Meets With God

I was headed to see sick friend
of mine up in the Dakota country.
I had to cross the bad lands or go
many a hard miles out of my way.
It had not been a problem before.
So felt good about the trip across.
It was late Spring, A bit warm but
not nearly a hot as I have seen it.
But extra hot for this time of year.
We were some place between North
Platt Nebraska and Rapid City South
"We" Ole Jake my horse.I picked him
upin the flats of Utah one Spring.
There were a group of us rounding
up horses out there.and I spotted
ole Jake.he was running with a herd
of other horses.I started after him.
told the others, guy's that big black
Stallion is mine.What a chase after
a hard afternoon sittin the saddle I
Caught him.Now for the fun had to
break him for riding.and believe me
that wasn't easy.But back to my story
It was still a couple day's ride to
Ole Pete's place.Jake and I were up
at daylight had breakfast.Some coffee
I had made, also a piece of jerky and
a couple biscuts wife fixed before
I left home. Little something for me
to take along on the trip.
Had been out about four hours when I
noticed ole Jake was limping.This was
not good for with out a horse out here
you are in big trouble.Jake had stepped
in a gopher broken leg Thanks
to God.But my weight was to much for him
for the time only problem was
I hadn't put much food are water in my
napsack. As I had planned on being there
Now I had a lot of stopping with ole Jake.
We had enough to eat for one more meal.
That was just a hand full,And maybe two
cup's of water. if lucky, By the middle
of the day Jake was all tuckered out.
Knew I had to stop and let him rest a few
hours.Are wind up by myself.I had always
Believed and Trusted in God.Wasn't the best
at always thanking or calling on him.But
let him know I had been thankful for what
he had given my family and I.
Food and water was gone now except for a
sip are two of water.Things were gonna get
rough no water are food.And without Jake
being able to carry me, knew it would take
at least two more full days.For you don't
walk very far out here in a day.I had
prayed to my God quite a few times while
on this trip.But nothing much had changed.
We had went two nights a one day since
our supplys ran out.As tired as my eyes
were and blurry.Thought I had seen a green
spot up ahead.looked like grass.I headed
Jake in that direction.Couldn't believe
my eyes.There sat this old man on a rock
and was handing me water to drink and a
peice of Jackrabbit.Was this all in my
head I thought.
Then He spoke."I have been waiting for you"
Thought he had someone else in mind.
"Yes for you"He said Speaking again said.
"Be still and know that I am God and have
come to answer your prayer's"I knelt
before him.And he touched my head.and again
spoke to me saying."Rest now my son for
tomorrow you will see your friend and mine.
and he will be glad to see you"I woke early
in the morning.He was gone .But left food
and Jake was much better.So I climbed upon
his back and within hours we had reached
Pete's Ranch.There he was standing in the
yard.Asking what took me so long? Problem
was he didn't even know I was on the way.
As I hadn't told him.
In my Heart I will always know that I have
seen God.That he had saved Jake and I from
the Desert.
Grandpa signing off now, Hope to hear from
you in my guestbook someday.

Walt Chapman
~Walt Chapman ~







April 7, 2002

The music is by Joseph Milner