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Grandpa and Blizzard in Nebraska

Hey guy's have I ever told you about the blizzard.
Well it was one of those times when I had to be
away from home.Had been out in Nevada looking for
a lost soul in the Desert,Well we found him but
was one with all bad news.We were to late on this
one.You just don't go a week there with out water

Back to Nebraska. We,I say! as my friends Paul and
Leonard went with me into the Desert looking for
that poor soul. But anyway, We had just left Wyoming
it had been very cold coming across there.And to
top it off it was about a week before Christmas
We were sure wanting to get home to the family's as
that is a very big time of the year at our home's.
Boy how that wind blows in this part of the country.
It was about zero are below.We had on every stich of
clothes we had with us.Even the horses were having a
hard time with the cold and it was getting colder.
Then the wind started to pick up and snow started
coming down so fast,and blowing couldn't see two foot
in front of us,and it was getting deep fast.We had
seen this bluff ahead and decided to get up close to
it.As it had a few trees there to block most of the

We hurried up to find some fire wood,A few pieces of
wood before being covered by the snow might get us
through this.We took one of the raincoats to finish
blocking the wind and keeping us dry.We had found
enough wood to get us through the night.Had the
horses all secure, and cleaned out a place for them
to eat.for we always kept some food for them as they
may be our way out of this.It had gotten dark,no sense
trying to go on we would have frozen to death for sure.

By now so cold temperature must have fallen to about
twenty below.It was around daybreak when the snow began
to slack up.We were able to see about ten feet out of
our little roost.The snow was every bit of three to
five foot deep.Also the wind had slowed down to a cold
breeze.Clouds had gone with the storm.And thanking God
for getting us through the night We waited till the
Sun came out toleave.For this may be a tough job
getting out of this snow.The trail was out there about
a hundred yards or so. Finding that could save a lot of
falling for us and the horses, took about twenty minutes
Then we headed out for the East.We were somewhere between
Kimball an Sidney had a ways to go.With a lot of hard
work plus help from God we got to Sidney just before
nightfall that evening.Talk about some tired Travelers.
But after a day of rest we pulled out the next morning
for home.In case you haven't been reading my stories,
home is good Ole Missouri.when we reached Kansas,
we climbed on one of those Trains.And was home two days
before Christmas.Got what I wanted.It Was to be with
my family.

Well till next time folks God Bless
And ya'll come back ya'hear.

Walt Chapman

~ Walt Chapman ~







